Episode 14 is the first part of our interview with guest Kerry Jackson, X96 radio DJ, atheist, and host of the Geekshow podcast. In this part we discuss atheism in Utah, Kerry’s experiences as a youth growing up in Salem, Utah, and even his run-in with cancer and how that affected his beliefs and his career.
Read More2.13 More Matthew
Part 2 covers Jesus’s triumphal entry on the back of two donkeys, what is now known as “the fig tree incident,” Jesus’s trial, crucifixion, death, and resurrection, and also the little-known and not remembered Zombie Apocalypse of 33 AD.
Also, Skunk Dicks, iTunes reviews, and lots of random blather.
EDIT: Here is a link to the Shirley Phelps-Roper interview mentioned in the podcast, which I do not recommend to anyone who values their brain.
Read More2.12: Matthew
And we’ve arrived at our critique of the book of Matthew, or as we like to call it here, “the gospel according to some anonymous Greek-speaking Gentile.” Is it the most Jewy of the gospels? Does it “complement” Mark or contradict it? Is its nativity story reliable? Did Jesus really descend from David?
All these questions answered and more in the latest blasphemilicious episode of Irreligiosophy.
Read More2.11 More Witches
Part 2 of our hard-hitting investigative report on the Witch Craze arrives with instructions on how to become a witch, what the great Sabbats like Walpurgisnacht entailed, actual transcripts from witch trials, as well as a few letters from actual witches. Matt comes prepared this week with in depth research on the Salem Witch Trials.
Also, Skunk Dicks and iTunes reviews all around.
Read More2.10 The Witch Craze
In the first of a two-part episode on the Witch Craze, we discuss how the entire known world went crazy for two hundred years and either burned at the stake or hanged between 50,000 and 80,000 women. We talk about the events leading up to the Witch Craze, why it happened when it did, and why it took the form it did. We also go over the Malleus Maleficarum, the most influential witch hunting manual there was.
Also, Skunk Dicks and iTunes reviews.
Read More2.9: The Gospel of Mark
We now embark upon a critique of the four gospels, beginning with Mark, the first one written. Matt and I discuss a little background history and context, then launch right into the content (or lack thereof) of the good news itself. How does Mark compare against the other synoptics? Where is he edited and why? What strange healings and miracle stories do we get in the earliest written account of Jesus? What about that strange story of the herd of pigs or the fig tree? Find out in this episode.
Also, more skunk dicks and iTunes reviews. And here is a link to the youtube video mentioned in the podcast: Jesus and the pigs.
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