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105: The Ten Commandments

[irrelig]In this episode, we break from crazy Mormon stories and instead take apart the Ten Commandments: what are they, where did they come from, why do we care, and what do they mean? Do they actually form the basis for American jurisprudence? Should they be engraved on monuments everywhere? Do we even have the right ones?

We also give a shout out to fellow Irreligiosophite podcasters Joemma and the Second Law, as well as the Mormon brothers +1 and their anticipatory plagiarizin’ Church of Awesome. And we do some Skunk Dicks, too.

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104: Crazy Book of Mormon Stories II

[irrelig]After a very brief hiatus, we return with more crazy stories from the Book of Mormon, this time centering around Christ’s visit to the Americas and all the property damage that ensued. Also, this week’s Skunk Dick.

Who knows when we’ll be back for another episode, so enjoy this one.

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103: Crazy Book of Mormon Stories

[irrelig]For episode 103, we have selected some of the most basic and oft-repeated crazy-ass stories found in the Book of Mormon, including Lehi’s vision of the Tree of Life, Nephi’s “acquisition” of the brass plates, the origin of GPS devices, and what happens to two atheists in ancient America under the Nephite prophets and judges.

All that, and a new candidate for Skunk Dick of the Year.

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102: David Silverman and American Atheists

[irrelig]For this episode we have President of American Atheists David Silverman on the show, talking about growing up Jewy, deconverting at an early age, his experience on Bill O’Reilly, and the importance of the atheist movement. And oh yeah, a little atheist convention in Des Moines, Iowa.

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101: Ray Garton, Again!

[irrelig]We have Ray Garton back on the show to spotlight a book signing of his that in the meantime unfortunately fell through. But who cares about that when we have Ray talking about such wide-ranging topics as Twilight, Michelle Bachman, and hooker vampires! I mean, really, what else could one ask for in a podcast?

Skunk Dicks, you might respond. Yeah, suck it, we’re busy.

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100: Questions from the Hoi Polloi

[irrelig]Like manna from heaven, episode #100 descends from the place where numbers exist into your ears. In it, we answer questions from the peanut gallery, and then break up the horrendous monotony with the occasional crazy Bible story.

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