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79: Baptism For the Dead

[irrelig]For this episode, we cover the strange LDS practice of baptizing corpses just in case they change their mind and want to become Mormons in the afterlife. We cover the roots of the practice, why it’s done and what scriptural justification Mormons give for it, and the various controversies surrounding it. Also, we actually brought on a listener named Jessica to share her creepy experiences as a young Mormon dragged into the Temple to be baptized for two or three dead people by proxy.

Plus, more Skunk Dicks than you can shake a skunk at in episode 79.


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78: Missionary Experiences 2

[irrelig]The second part of the interview strikes a more personal note. Find out more about the culture shock missionaries experience, how the LDS Church treats those who gave up two years of their life to serve it, and the exit interview experience. Once again, Mike comes to the rescue by editing our massive conversation down into a slightly less massive podcast. Thanks, Mike!

No Skunk Dicks this week but we did stick in something very special for the fans, right around the middle of the podcast.

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77: LDS Missionary Experiences, Part 1

[irrelig]Take a trip down missionary lane with everyone’s favorite ex-LDS brothers, Mike and Chris. Learn all about LDS indoctrination, patriarchal blessings, priesthood ordination, the Missionary Training Center, and early field experiences of a typical LDS missionary. And that’s just part one.

Huge kudos to Mike, who’s slaved away for the past week or so paring down the audio from some 5 or 6 hours of discussion into two 90 minute episodes because I was far too lazy to do it myself.

Check it out, along with an extended Skunk Dick segment, since, hey, we were running long anyway. Might as well bloat the thing out more.

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76: Religious Podcast Takedown II

[irrelig]Yeah, I know we promised an episode on the Mormon involvement in Proposition 8, but we lied. In this episode, Leighton finds some religious podcasts and takes them apart while I sit back in a state of thorough confusion.

Also, some Skunk Dicks and a really bizarre episode in the ongoing Allred saga. It’s all in episode 76.

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75: Religious Podcast Takedown!

[irrelig]In this special episode we courageously venture into the dark heart of iTunes’ Top Ten Religious Podcasts, tackling the ever-charming, ever-gleeful Joyce Meyer as well as everyone’s favorite evangelical idiot, Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill. We also have a very special installment of “As the Allred Family Turns,” and a surprising announcement about the fate of the Mims H. Carter Skunk Dick Award.

It can all be found in episode 75, released on time even!

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73: Early Christian Heresies, Part the Second

[irrelig]After discussing one final heresy, I hand the podcast reins over. Brace yourselves, it’s another Leighton-filled podcast, complete with all the stellar research you’ve all come to expect from Irreligiosophy.

Or at least, have come to expect since Leighton’s Hinduism podcast.

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