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87: Evidence 4 Faith Debate

[irrelig]Well, it is finished. We have given up the ghost. Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. As promised, we appeared on the Evidence 4 Faith live radio broadcast to debate the two hosts of the show, and they have convinced us of the truth of Christianity. Because of this, Leighton is scheduled to be burned at the stake next Tuesday.

Listen to all the carnage!

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69: PZ Myers!

[pz]Irreligiosophy has hit the big time! We spend an hour or so shooting the breeze with reigning king of science blogging and New Atheist™ PZ Myers of Pharyphilongula fame about all kinds of godless goodness: the “frackin’ cracker” incident, his appearance on Expelled, his experiences debating creationists, fr*ming, the time he spent in Utah among those crazy Mormons, and lots more.

All this and an announcement on how to obtain your very own Irreligiosophy Doctorate, guaranteed 100% every bit as credentialed as Kent Hovind’s, or we’ll refund your $1.99 back. Check it out here.

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47: Kent Hovind’s “Dissertation”

[irrelig]Ahh, the 47th episode, in which we discuss Kent Hovind’s fabulously informative doctoral dissertation, for which he received his PhD in Christian Education from Patriot (Bible) University. Now, neither of us here at Irreligiosophy currently hold PhDs, so we were ill-prepared to tackle such a great work. Of course, that’s never stopped us before …

The results can be found here.

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40: Crazy Bible Stories

[irrelig]This time around we tackle a listener’s email and then delve straight into some of the craziest shit you’ve ever heard, straight from the word of Almighty God himself: the Bible.

Crazy, crazy shit.

And for some reason, Leighton wants me to post this image, even though we barely touched on 2nd Kings:

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37: Why the Flood Didn’t Happen

[irrelig]In this podcast, which was delayed due to all the beeping required to make it kid-friendly, we go over all the evidence that relates to a worldwide flood 4400 years ago. We describe various creationist interpretations of that evidence, and then we describe reality.

A couple of caveats to this podcast: first, even though the subject matter is (mostly) clean and suitable for children, refuting creationist claims requires talking about real science, and that can sometimes get complex. So the podcast, as it turned out, will probably not be suitable for children because depending on their age, they might not understand what we’re talking about — just like church. We have a solution for that in the form of an upcoming podcast, which, unlike church, will be easily understandable and enjoyable to listen to: it’s going to be about “crazy Bible stories.” I have a hunch adults will like it too.

Second, when Leighton and I are discussing the creationist “evidence” for the flood in terms of large boulders carried off far from their point of origin, we got off track making fun of the creationists. Our point was that just because no obvious solution immediately presents itself doesn’t mean there isn’t one. We focus on humans moving boulders around in the past (which for whatever reasons they did do) but forgot to mention the most obvious solution: glaciers. Glaciers could certainly have moved massive boulders for miles and then receded, leaving the boulders in place without much in the way of clues as to how they got there. This is speculation on my part, but I imagine it would be easy to determine whether the boulders were deposited by flood or glacier by taking a peek at the environment on which the boulders rest.

Next week: Bob Price!

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ANN 29: Marketing Christ, and Comfort vs Darwin

[ann]Listener Chris sent us a link to a discussion about marketing Jesus to improve our Lord and Savior’s brand image for the current generation. We give you a peek at the fruits of their campaign in the form of two inane commercials, and then we give it the old Irreligiosophy treatment with a commercial of our own in response.

We also discuss Ray Comfort and Mike Seaver’s attempt to invade college campuses in advance of Darwin’s 150th anniversary and infect our centers of higher learning with their own brand of stupidity.

Don’t miss it!

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