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67: (Fake) Mormon Debate

[irrelig]Wherein we engage active LDS member former LDS, current atheist Palmer in a debate about the Mormon “plan of salvation,” the church’s involvement in Proposition 8, and the “translation” of the Book of Abraham. Palmer wanted to come on the show to make up for Sean’s poor performance, which I believe is still a blight on the LDS Church.

For my part, I sound pretty tired. I don’t think I woke up until about halfway through the debate.

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66: Growing Up Catholic, Down Under

[irrelig]This week we have Emma, a former Catholic school girl who emerged nearly normal from her religious upbringing which included retreats, Catholic school, confirmation, lumpy dove candles, and so much more.

Don’t miss out, it’s all right here.

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65: Hinduism — And This Time We Really Mean It

[irrelig]Guest month is underway! To make up for Leighton’s horrible botching of the first Hinduism podcast, we captured a real-life Hindu and forced him to divulge all the secrets of this crazy religion. The majority of the podcast is essentially telling Leighton where he got it wrong, but the conversation ranges widely, from Shiva to Kali to a little bit of Islam for good measure.

Check it out here!

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58: Ethics without God

[irrelig]Hey, and it’s even on time! In this episode we discuss the possibility of ethics independent of God or religion with Dominick Cancilla, author of Ask Yourself to Be Moral and developer of an innovative God-free system of ethics that revolves around two simple questions. What follows is the usual wide-ranging discussion on ethics, philosophy, religion, and slapping babies.

Check it out here.


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54 & 55: Respecting Other People’s Beliefs

[irrelig]And here we go … the talk with Leighton’s brother Sean ran a marathon 3+ hours, from which we have distilled the resulting two episodes. A quick summary: Sean repeatedly castigates us for not showing proper respect to ludicrous and patently untrue beliefs while simultaneously approving of his Church’s attempt to deprive homosexuals of basic human rights. He refuses to answer important, pertinent questions regarding his faith, blithely ignores reality, and even Godwins us at the end of the first episode. What I found most impressive is that he remained cheerfully impregnable to reason and logic all the way to the end.

Since we’ve missed a few weeks in the past, we figure it’s only fair to release both episodes at once. Have at them.

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In Which We Are Duly Chastised for Mocking Other People’s Beliefs

[chuck]Leighton’s older brother Sean has found our site and does not like what he sees. He has sent the following email to call us to repentance and to tell us to start treating other people’s beliefs with the respect they deserve. He has even agreed to come on the podcast to discuss this with us. He’s going to be our guest speaker for the month of March.

Sean wanted the full email exchange between himself and Leighton posted on our site, and I am happy to oblige. It’s lengthy, so I’ve tucked most of it away behind the fold. Read on and be enlightened. It should be a very interesting podcast.

I tried to find a way to post this on your site but was unable to. Therefore I am sending it to you in hopes that you will post all of it and hopefully change the way you are doing things.

If the desire is to have me on your podcast to discuss this matter. I am willing but I will stick with this subject only.

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