[irrelig]For this episode, we cover the strange LDS practice of baptizing corpses just in case they change their mind and want to become Mormons in the afterlife. We cover the roots of the practice, why it’s done and what scriptural justification Mormons give for it, and the various controversies surrounding it. Also, we actually brought on a listener named Jessica to share her creepy experiences as a young Mormon dragged into the Temple to be baptized for two or three dead people by proxy.
Plus, more Skunk Dicks than you can shake a skunk at in episode 79.
53 Responses to “79: Baptism For the Dead”
Love the new segment
Hey guys, thanks for that Prop 8 episode! You promised it like 4 weeks ago.
Next week. We promise.
Check out famousdeadmormons.com to see who the mormons have dead dunked. I’m most upset that they got their hands on Joey Ramone.
This was, like, a TOTALLY good episode, or like whatever.
Did you guys realize that the temples recycle names? This is a fact, any temple president will tell you. That means when the members go, they’re baptizing people for the 10th or 12th time (if not more).
Ummmm, like, great new segment, like, y’know, or that, like, whatever.
How about getting Palmer on for the new segment during the Prop 8 episode? Wasn’t he a law student? And, like, well spoken.
This episode raised many important questions, such as if a photon interferes with itself, it is masturbating? When Leighton emails random people a photo of his penis, does he need to attach anything more than a thumbnail? Another thought provoking episode, boys. If I ever die laughing from listening to Irreligiosophy, don’t let the Mormons get their hands on me. Looking forward to the “Proposition W8 for it” episode (still).
Ahem, I believe it as Chuck that said, and I quote “Oh, for Fuck’s sake”. I would appriciate it if you would not use my name in vain…. at least until you can deliever on the oft promised Prop 8 episode., cause it’s starting to feel like waiting for a new Guns and Roses album.
We want pictures of Jessica!!!
I notice a couple of jealous skunk-dick pussy-farts making fun of somebody because they weren’t asked to be on instead of her.
Loved the podcast, can’t wait for prop 8! Keep on Keeping on!
Jessica sounds like a babe. Even with all of the “likes”. I hope she is indeed like 21 so I don’t sound too gross. (I’m 25)
Leighton rules. He and his tiny penis should run for president. 🙂
I think the Prop 8 episode is a myth, the promise of which is used to control and manipulate us irreligiosophites…
I counted how many times I said like and it was 63. I think that might be a record. I say it a lot when I get nervous.
Heres a picture for Kev
Don’t worry Jessica, I was horrified when I heard how disjointed I sounded when I was “on air” with these 2 bastards. I sounded totally different to how I usually sound. It’s quite scary, Isn’t it? You did great 🙂
To all the Fanboys. Don’t take your cues from Leighton. That masturbatory exercise of sexualizing female guests is, like, SO juvenile. Get out of your mom’s basement already.
Thanks Moggie. It really is, they are both really fucking funny as it is, but they seem extra funny when you actually talk to them. So most of the time I was just trying to hold in my laughter.
But Herb, if we left our mom’s basement who would make us sandwiches with Cheetos on the side? I’m trying to convince Jessica to do it, but for some reason now that she’s left Mormonism she believes there’s more to her life than spreading her legs and plopping out children. Come on now, what the fuck? Damn liberals are changing everything good about oppressing women. Let’s just keep those free-thinking bastards away from our child laborers.
I was just messin with ya about the “likes”, Jessica. You did great and it sounded like you had a great time.
This podcast brought back bad, repressed memories. I think Jessica deserves to kick Leighton in the balls for all the dick jokes he made. Good episode and Jessica did great.
lol great episode. I remember talking loudly about moby dick in the changing rooms by the baptismal font and getting a stern reprimand. And yeah all of the fonts have the twelve( i think) oxen to represent the tribes of Israel.
I had a similar experience that Leighton did growing up. I was forced to go and do baptisms for the dead on several occasions. the worst part was waiting for the girls to go first and watching “johnny lingo” and “Mr Krueger’s Christmas” over and over again while we waited to get dunked multiple times. It was the worst… and Mohanna was not worth 8 cows…. stupid woman should know her place in the tribe!
lol I also remember hitting my head on the sides of the font. And scraping my feet on the bottom.
sandwiches with cheetos on the side? I would cook you delicious brazilian meal with back rubs on the side Leighton. Thats the only thing girls are good for, and making beer runs so men dont have to.
Thanks Andrew and Jesus Jr.
Whoa there Jessica, that’s what Men are for! I personally have a “Mr Mom” at my house, and I’m loving every minute of it!
Damn, Jessica, you have shown me the light. My mom apparently isn’t working at her full potential. This is going on tomorrow’s complaint form and there will be some changes made in this here basement.
I think you did an awesome job! I can’t imagine what a pathetic response I would have given when I was your age. I applaude your courage and strength of will. You go girl!!
In case any of the readers here don’t also read PZ’s blog, (If you don’t, why?) here is an opportunity to undo some of the Mormon’s work: http://www.iamanatheist.com/atheize.php
I just saw this the other day. Atheize the dead!
We want pictures of Mims Carter!!! Get ready to rub one out Fanboys and girls!
That was awsome Jessica! Dude they explained the same escort out of heaven stuff to us in sunday school too! These guys are awsome! I have to listen to more of their podcasts. It’s funny how once you start thinking about the stuff they taught us at church it becomes so blatantly obvious how much BS there is in there that people simpy accept and go living their lives like its the most sensible thing in the universe. If anyone is ever looking for a textbook case of brainwashing, all they need to do is look at the LDS church.
It should go on the complaint form Leighton, that is just unacceptable.
thanks mcrf212 !
I told you fe, you should really listen to all of their shit cause their funny as fuck. They also talk about other religions. Oh and vovo is going back after my birthday so I’ll try to get some time off in the next month or so so I can go visit. Hopefully you can stop being a shitty cousin and get some time off to actually see me.
You know, there is weird and then there is extra weird.
This posthumous baptism stuff is EXTRA-EXTRA weird.
It is a complete waste of time. But still, EXTRA-EXTRA weird.
Oh, yeah, Thanks for the photo Jessica.
When you turn 18, please post some more.
Well I have some good news for you Kev, I’m actually 19. So heres another picture. It’s a pretty recent one from a trip to Texas. http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e307/driftedcloud78/hj-1.jpg
Now Jessica, please put the knife down.
We are all your friends here. No one needs to get hurt…
I am an ex-mormon but my wife is still devout so I come along to sacrament to help keep the kids wrangled. It gets hard not to be disruptive listening to the crap people talk about, though. 😉 Last Sunday someone was talking about some anecdote about a soldier who had a leg amputated without anesthesia and a single drop of blood came out of a pore so think of how awful it must have been for Jesus, etc., etc. I think it would make for a good episode or at least point of discussion to talk about the medical basis for this, especially whether or not pain/stress can even cause such a thing.
Thanks for the great show guys, keep up the good work!
Kev, knives are badass.
Jessica, I think we can be friends now.
Good. This will probably sound really fuckin nerdy to anyone who doesnt like knives, but I’m learning to do all these badass tricks with a balisong. Im getting pretty good. We might have to have a competition Kev.
I did a few temple trips in the 80’s as a youth in the Houston area. There was no Houston temple then, so it was a 3-4 hour trip to Dallas. I liked it becuase I was stuck in a van with 6-7 Mollies, the ward girls never gave me much attention otherwise. It was very mechanical, Recite Prayer, Dunk, Repeat, go to Brahm’s for a burger. I remember trying to explain to non-Mo friends what it was I did that weekend, but it is so inexplicable even to other Christians, much less my heathen skate-dude friends. I remember a teacher talking about “Baptism *of* the Dead” and her distaste at the idea, I almost corrected her, but the actual concept, while less grisly, is hardly less ludicrous.
Thanks for another great podcast!
I cannot risk getting into any knife competitions. You already know that I’ve been circumcised. I don’t think I can afford to loose any more.
Thats true Kev. I guess I can spare you those few extra inches.
This podcast brought back memories of my childhood. I did several baptism for the dea and enjoyed everyone of them. You see, I enjoy looking at women in wet clothing and when I was twelve the other twelve year olds were “women”. WHen I did it and the girls and boys went together although the boys stood in one line and the girls stood in another. And as Jessica said, we went once then stood in the back of the line to go again. So once the first cycle went through I found myself staring at soaking wet white see through clad girls. I had such a raging boner by the time it was all done that I couldn’t to get home. I immediately signed up for the next and the next and the next. One of the time I couldn’t wait to get home so I just went to the bathroom to take a “shit”. I also begin to realize that if there was a god and if he knew what was in my heart then why did he allow the bishop to continue to sign my temple recomend? Of course the bishop had no such insight (because there is no god) to the pervert sitting before him so he just signed it with a smile. Yep, such fond memories. Thanks for an awesome episode
BoldHomer you make a really good point. Too bad 12 year olds dont have big ass titties, and wear bras. What you should of done is beat off in the bathroom while you were “shitting”. It would of given your story a better ending. If you did however, I like how you think.
Jessica, I was wasn’t shitting I was rubbing one out in the name of the lord. I think Iwas even praying “oh god oh god’ anyway I was between 12 and 16 I don’t remember actually but I did go several times. I was probably closer to 16 when i just couldn’t wait. By then I just didn’t give a shit. Once I turned 16 I found a job that required that I work on sundays and that was the end of church for me. BTW, I loved your interview.
BoldHomer, damn thats funny as fuck. Was blowin’ a load in the house of the lord any better than your usual spots? BTW, thanks!
BoldHomer, thats funny as fuck. Was blowin’ a load in the house of the lord any better? BTW, thanks!