[irrelig]Like manna from heaven, episode #100 descends from the place where numbers exist into your ears. In it, we answer questions from the peanut gallery, and then break up the horrendous monotony with the occasional crazy Bible story.

52 Responses to “100: Questions from the Hoi Polloi”

  1. articulett says:

    “The” hoi polloi” is redundant, akin to saying “the the masses.”

    *sticks out tongue pedantically*

    I shall listen to this podcast as I drift off to sleep…

  2. Do you have an actual episode in the works, or is it going to be all filler from now on?

  3. Gliblord says:

    Kudos to your wife, Chuck. It was great getting to know a little more about you guys.

  4. Holy Shit! They said my name!!
    I see now that there must be a God, because all my dreams have come true.
    (well, not the really good ones I get when I fall asleep with my ipod playing, but pretty close)

  5. Grantimus says:

    @ptah Filler? These guys have a very genuine and heart felt talk about love, marriage, and how religion has affected their lives. Then you shit all over it. Fuck you ptah.

    I really liked the episode. Happy 100th guys.

  6. We forgot how to ask what your wife says about your homosexual relationship with Leighton.

  7. Finally, now I wont have to go on a gay penguin killing spree.

  8. Discord.agent says:

    A blessing! A blessing from the lord!

  9. Hey leela

    I heard! That’s crazy!

    U so lucky!

  10. ‘Patience is a form of despair disguised as a virtue’ Ambrose Bierce

  11. (was) something in greece says:

    @articulett: Actually “hoi polloi” is wrong gramatically because greek articles, nouns etc are conjugated and “hoi polloi” is a form used only if it is the subject of a sentence.

  12. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Thank you. A really grouse episode for your 100th. Happy Birthday, Irreligiosophy. Chuck & Leighton blow…out that shit load of candles and have your cake & EAT IT too. Very well done, yet again 🙂

  13. @Grantimus Don’t mind the ptah. You wouldn’t waste your breath on any other sniveling vermin would you?

  14. So. When’s the next podcast out?

    😉 Naw, good one all around. Little bit lacking in form but made up for in personal revelations and ummm, letting us know just how many scams and bad business-deals Leighton’s family is up to.

    Now don’t forget my Itunes review next time! I mean it!

  15. (was) something in greece says:

    Just finished listening. Props to Charlie and his wife. Hugs and a beer to Leighton.

  16. Nice 100th episode. Give thanks to Chance for a solid round numbered podcast. It’s too bad about the going biweekly thing, though. I guess I’ll have to convert to some religion because you guys are too lazy to help us weak minded folks get through the week.

    I have one complaint, however. We still don’t know if Leighton prefers Kirk, Picard, or secret option Sisko. These ancient disputes cannot be resolved without some kind of arbitrary, meaningless authority to make pronouncements about them!

  17. Lucy Harris says:

    About that guy who talked back to Moses, there’s more to the story found in rabbinical literature. The story goes:
    Korah incited all the people against Moses, arguing that it was impossible to endure the laws instituted by the latter. He told them the following parable: “A widow, the mother of two young daughters, had a field. When she came to plow it, Moses told her not to plow it with an ox and an ass together (Deut. xxii. 10); when she came to sow it, Moses told her not to sow it with mingled seeds (Lev. xix. 19). At the time of harvest she had to leave unreaped the parts of the field prescribed by the Law, while from the harvested grain she had to give the priest the share due to him. The woman sold the field and with the proceeds bought two sheep. But the first-born of these she was obliged to give to Aaron the priest; and at the time of shearing he required the first of the fleece also (Deut. xviii. 4). The widow said: ‘I can not bear this man’s demands any longer. It will be better for me to slaughter the sheep and eat them.’ But Aaron came for the shoulder, the two cheeks, and the maw (ib. verse 3). The widow then vehemently cried out: ‘If thou persistest in thy demand, I declare them devoted to the Lord.’ Aaron replied: ‘In that case the whole belongs to me’ (Num. xviii. 14), whereupon he took away the meat, leaving the widow and her two daughters wholly unprovided for” (Num. R. xviii. 2-3; Tan., Ḳoraḥ, 4-6).

  18. Matthew, Apostle of Christ & Gospel Writer, D.Irr says:

    Congratulations on 100 episodes. You guys make Little Baby Jesus cry.

  19. That was a lot of fun to listen to. Thanks guys!


  20. @Lucy Harris

    That’s fucking fucked up shit goddamnit.

    Ha! They mentioned me too! I’m famous! Now ten complete strangers have heard my Irreligiosophy Forums pseudonym! Next step: President.

  21. talkjawking says:

    Great episode, I’d love to hear another Q&A episode, especially like to hear more about Leighton’s military career. If you’re taking more questions, I’d like to know what your guys’ favorite Book of Mormon stories are. Since you shared some crazy Bible stories (and really, a good number of your podcasts have been about crazy Bible stories), I realized you never really dissect the specific (and equally crazy) stories in the Book of Mormon. Speaking for those who also grew up reading those scriptures, I’d love to hear your guys’ take on them.

  22. articulett says:

    @(was) something in greece — Thanks! (for raining on my pedantry parade)

    I heard them mention Moewicus too!

    Awesome show– looking forward to the follow up… will be disgruntled until it’s posted.

  23. Grantimus says:

    @Gliblord I’m not really that upset with ptah. Really, I just like coming up with excuses to say “fuck you”.

  24. Queen of Hearts says:

    Fascinating. Thank you guys!

  25. Happy to oblige, Grantimus.

    But I am hoping the new bimonthly [sic] schedule will mean some actual content in future episodes.

    I will say a positive thing about this episode though: even if it is just as irrational, replacing worship of Jesus with the worship of Chuck’s wife at least has the upside that she really exists.

  26. Ghost Pirate LeChuck says:

    Greetings from dear ol’ Blighty. Congrats on your 100th, and despite your dire predictions that you won’t be doing these podcasts in 5 years, I hope (and pray?) that we can squeeze at least another 100 out of you guys. Lovely stuff.

  27. Rnegade87 says:

    Fuck yeah, last question of the podcast! I’m going to use this new found fame to jump start my writing career.

    On a more serious note, Chuck your wife is awesome. Reminds me a lot of my mom. See, my dad’s Black and this was during the whole priesthood ban thing, so the temple was never an option for them but she was still willing to marry him, to essentially make the same eternal sacrifice your wife made. But then 1978 rolled around, my dad went on a quick mission, they came back and were married blah blah blah. Happy ending, right?

  28. I thought it was because they he was conceived on a trip to London.

    Leyton, Walthamstow, Greater London E10

  29. Herb (12th Apostle) says:

    A few observations re: the 100th Episdoe:

    First, Leighton already offended the Mexicans with his “Mexican wife-beater” comment.

    Second, upon C&L’s return from the 2010 Haunt Convention, our hosts made an overt threat to stop doing the podcast entirely; post 2011 Haunt Convention C&L threaten to go to every other week. I’m sensing a trend here.

    Third, Leighton’s pitiful brown-eyed girl lament was the most self-absorbed, woe-is-me drivel I’ve ever heard. It was a clear plea for the female sympathy vote. Your fainting couch awaits, Leighton. (That couch will , of course, be surrounded by a harem of fawning femaile fans, you lucky bastard. Well played, indeed!)

    Congratulations, fuckers! Can’t wait for podcast’s inevitable demise. Now get back to the skunk-dickery.

  30. @ Matthew, Apostle of Christ & Gospel Writer, D.Irr – “You make Baby Jesus cry.”

    OMG! Hahahaha! That’s fucked up…

  31. agentsarahjane D.Irr says:

    Chuck, the way you talked about your wifie was very sweet and you touched my godless heart – damn you! I know you try to leave your family out of the podcast for multiple reasons but I was glad you gave a us a little glimpse into your home life. You are truly a lucky guy. Leighton your ‘ girl that got away” story was sad. . Love in Europe is even more romantic and makes your tale more compelling. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some watery eyes from you know, eh Allergies and stuff

  32. This was by far the best of your 100 great podcasts. I know you don’t like to get personal, Chuck, but I truly enjoyed this one. It makes me want to finally buy you guys a beer…


  33. Grantimus says:

    @ptah Let me get this straight, you think that Chuck’s adoration for is wife is just as irrational as the worship of Jesus Christ? wtf!! Wow, way to compare apples to oranges.

    Ptah, have you ever been in love? Do you have a boyfriend and/or girlfriend? Or, at the very least do you have sex on a regular basis with anyone besides yourself? I await your response, and the inevitable flame war that will follow.

  34. Missed opportunity Grantimus, you forgot to say “fuck you”.

  35. Grantimus says:

    True…… I guess I could say it now. Nah, fuck that.


    Chuck, your 7 to 8 listeners sure know how to make up multiple handles and post stuff in the comments section. You must have 7 really OCD listeners.

  37. Rockhead says:

    Nicely done guys. Chuck, please make sure your wife hears the portion of the podcast where you talk about her. It was wonderful. Leighton, I feel your pain, bro. Thanks for sharing.

  38. Bi-weekly? Bi-weekly? Screw this. That sucks. This is my favorite podcast. If I can’t listen to this more when I work out I’ll get horribly fat. You’re a doctor Chuck, you’re supposed to do no harm, now I’ll be obese and fucking die. You killed me.

    Also, Chucks wife sounds awesome. How about some pics? Maybe a came show on weeks you’re not doing the podcast?

  39. Congrats on number 100, really enjoyed it. Chuck, very cool hearing about your family a little bit. And yeah, you could probably score some major points with the wife, it almost made me tear up. Very cool that you guys are apparently able to keep such a loving relationship going despite some fundamental differences in how you look at the world. I think that shows not only strength of character, but also a great deal of intelligence in both of you.

  40. Moewicus says:

    Yeah, Chuck talking about his wife was lovely. It just goes to show how these boorish New Atheists like Chuck and Leighton think all religious people are irredeemably stupid and evil.

  41. Fifth_Horsemen says:

    Great Episode, guys! I like how they inserted crazy Bible Stories in between every now and then and kept it light. I have to get that book!

  42. Rnegade87 says:

    I’m assuming that with the new schedule that these podcasts will be longer, right? Some of my favorite podcasts (LDS Temple Ceremony and Mormon Missionary experiences with the mormon brothers) are some of your longest.

  43. AtheistMama says:

    Really enjoyed the podcast guys! Thanks for giving us insight into your lives. I was really touched by your willingness to open up. I can’t wait for the next 100!

    By the way, and this is embarrassing to admit, but I got so excited hearing my “name” on the podcast! I know it’s silly, but it’s also awesome.

  44. Aieee! Help, my ears are bleeding!

  45. “Family is more important than religion.”


  46. Good job allowing your children to be raised with anti-homosexual bigotry.

  47. Gliblord says:

    @John Good job talking out of your ass.

  48. Good job allowing your children to be raised with anti-homosexual bigotry.

    Well thanks, but what about the misogyny and racism? I’d like to know my efforts on those fronts are appreciated as well.

  49. You mean you let them listen to the podcast?? =P


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