[irrelig]Although listening to it I’d hate to go out this way. It’s basically a beta version of the Loftus interview. I’m a huge fan of Dan Barker, but I seem less engaged in this one even though it was done way back in February. Leighton actually has a clue who Barker is since I loaned him my copy of Losing Faith in Faith in preparation for the E4F debate, but he’s still Leighton.

I need a break. But I am toying around with the idea of doing another episode gently critiquing Kirk Hasting’s magnum opus What is Truth? (since I’ve already finished half of the work on it) maybe with expert Hovindologist Matt Wakefield as cohost. That might be a more fitting exit for Irreligiosophy than a poorly-done interview — although come to think of it, poorly-done interviews are what we’re known for.

No matter what happens, the site and existing podcasts will remain up and available.

67 Responses to “Probably Maybe the Last Episode: Dan Barker”

  1. Thanks for posting it. I hope things go well, whatever you do. I also thought your idea for the mountain meadows massacre sounded good as well.

    Vaya con dios Chuck, and you too Leighton, wherever you are. You will be missed.


  2. Take a break, recharge your batteries, and come back. You’re too good at this to walk away forever.

  3. Awesome, thanks Chuck!

  4. I saw my iTunes downloading something, and lo and behold! It was a real episode of Irreligiosophy! My body quivered with anticipation, like a junkie watching smack cook in the spoon… thanks for that fix, and hope to hear more!

  5. Dr Phlebas, D.Irr. says:

    What Dr. Scott said.

  6. I can’t take the emotional games. I saw the download and became very excited, only to have chuck explain it away again. Also, I give up trying to understand the whole story, especially with fake leighton weighing in. oh well, i loved this podcast. hope you come back

  7. do that with all the guests you can get. I hope you come back someday. i’ll see you around.

  8. If you want to do another episode, just do them when the mood strikes. If you don’t want to do one, record yourself saying “Fuck you fans!” and then cackling for three minutes, then post it as “Episode 1xx: The Chuck and Leighton Reunion Special.”

  9. Citizen Wolf says:

    Thanks Chuck
    As I said before, if you’re ever in Dublin look me up and I’ll treat you to a few beers and dinner.

  10. any time you decide you want to work on something, if you need some research done, just ask and i think you’ll find at least a few of us willing to kick in some time to help.

  11. talkjawking says:

    You say you’re gone and now you’re posting a new episode AND thinking of making new ones with a new co-host? WHY MUST YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS?!?!

  12. Just listened to the interview with Dan Barker. What was wrong with that? I suspect you might be looking at it through your new eyes. I’m sorry that things worked out for you the way that they did. Take some time, figure out what’s important in life, and do that. Vaya sin dios.

  13. Excellent. Very enjoyable listening to Barker.

    Chuck, I really hope you find a new podcasting partner or just go solo. Your knowledge of religion and philosophy and ability to articulate your points makes for an excellent podcast. You’re the Steven Novella of atheism.

  14. ambulocetacean says:

    You guys are too legit to quit. I hope you can be pals again some day. In the meantime, Chuck, I hope you’ll still feel inspired to put out the occasional podcast.

  15. You’ve been sitting on this great episode since FEBRUARY, stifling Barker’s cry for jokes for all those long months!? Despicable.

    I really have no idea what on earth you’re talking about, Chuck, because this episode was the usual Irreligiosowonderfulness. You didn’t seem disengaged at all.

  16. Yess!! THIS is the way you should go out! By pissing us off and making us grateful at the same time! You know you like the way that makes you feel Chuck!
    So this is what I suggest: once every so often you post a new episode, and say that even though there is a new episode, it’s probably going to be the last one, thus formalizing our status as your bitch: we take what we can get and we will like it. Seeing as most people check in every, oh, I don’t know, every week or so, I suggest – no sneaky business here – that you post an episode every week and that way you are totally in control and not totally doing what everybody is begging you to do. Sounds like a plan to me!

  17. Citizen Wolf says:

    That seemed like a fine podcast to me. I enjoyed it.

    ….oh, wait…. no, it was shit. Yes, utterly crap. You’re right, you can’t end the podcasts like this. Now get back out there and make another one, and then another, and then another, until you get it right 🙂

  18. I’ve just discovered you guys only to learn that you’re finished. You were my favourite podcast and I’ll miss it. Sorry to hear about your business and , more importantly, your friendship. I hope you can get back to podcasting at some stage. Citizen Wolf he speak sense. Out of respect I’d like to say a big fuck you but I suppose that is your prerogative. Anyway, it’s been laugh-out-loud educational fun listening to you over the past couple of months even if you are damned to hades. I’ve just finished listening to your rednosed reindeer podcast. What a laugh!
    Justin (Belfast, N. Ireland)

  19. have to disagree with you chuck, i think you did a good job on this one. With two people interviewing a third person, its really hard not to talk all over the guy being interviewed. I think you got the right balance on this one. The interviewer’s job is to draw out the guy being interviewed without walking all over him. So especially with a guy like Dan Barker you want to draw him out and get out of the way. I think you hit a good balance and did a great job on this one.

    thanks again for posting it

  20. Jack Pollock says:

    Yeah, I’m kind of puzzled why you didn’t like this interview so much. I thought it was really entertaining.

  21. AngryBudgie says:

    I 2nd the notion of having a Hovindologist as your side kick. He has an area of expertise that is very relevant to the podcast. Clearly you can’t go wrong there.

  22. Chuck, you fucking rock!

    Don’t give up, even if The One True podcast switches to an irregular schedule… I’ll still listen to every episode you can push out…

  23. Citizen Wolf says:

    Boy, your first line had me mightily confused there for a bit. I interpreted ‘rock’ as a noun instead of a verb. I had no idea why you were calling Chuck a f-ing rock. lol

  24. AngryBudgie says:

    Chuck’s not a rock he’s a mineral.

  25. Discord.agent says:

    I always thought he was more of a vegetable.

  26. Hmmm, people seem to be liking the episode. I think, perhaps too late, I have discovered the secret of Irreligiosophy success: extremely low expectations.

  27. Not really getting what you thought was subpar about the episode.

  28. So sad, it reminds me of the Brain Science podcast, that was awesome, but the creator wanted it to become a source of income and as everyone knows, that is very hard to do, so she became disillusioned and gave up.

    Good luck guys!

    You should write and book and self publish! You have got tons of material from this podcast! And a decent sized audience I am sure!

  29. Leighton and chuck, you guys have too much in common and too much history to let your friendship end. Business should be kept as business and whoever dropped the ball should have the balls to step up as a business person and accept their share.
    Fucking sort it out!!
    I expect a new podcast by January!

  30. Chuck just keep doing it, either solo or get a new partner. You were and are the best part of the podcast, Leighton seemed like a dick which was funny for a short short time, but it’s clear he’s actually just a dick for real, which nobody really needs to listen to. If he actually pays you back, then you can consider some form of reconciliation (although even then he’s got some ‘splainin to do), but it certainly doesn’t sound like you’ve been in the wrong. No reason this should stop you from doing something you enjoy, which it seems like you do from time to time.

  31. Lucy Harris says:

    No problems with the interview. I never understood why you and fans down rated your interviews so much.

    Irreligiosophy has been an above average podcast. Whether you continue or not, thanks for the efforts. If you do go on with new co-hosts, make sure it’s someone ignorant and foul mouthed, because there was a chemistry with Leighton that did work.

  32. Thanks for posting this.
    I think Godless was my first foray into skepticism (I just could relate to it so much), so it’s great to leave on a nostalgic note.

    double what HTMLiam said.

  33. Wandering in the mists of darkness says:

    Listen, you can make some cash on this. You need to start selling t-shirts and mugs or soemthing. Also, start hosting events. If you wanted to, you could really make something out of this. You have talent! More importantly, you have a voice.

    Take a break and then come back in full force.

    Don’t waste a golden opportunity. You can do this. Oh, and screw Leighton!

  34. Citizen Wolf says:

    Chuck, you fucking mineral!

    Hmmm, somehow that doesn’t sound quite right.

  35. Chuck:

    Seriously, those donation bars don’t work. Sell a mug for 20 bucks and I’d buy it. Sell a t-shirt for 35 bucks and I’d buy it. Gay penguin desk knickknacks, bumper stickers, the whole deal. You have a serious money making machine right here.

    And c’mon, how much does Leighton owe you? If its 100K or some crazy amount, well, that’s life. Get over it. And if you really do hate each other now, I’m guessing that the podcast will be better than ever.

    Also, I’ve always wanted to voice this: I guarantee you that Leighton, deep down, believes in God. A lifetime of brainwashing–It’s not his fault. But it’s part of what makes listening to him and his “research” so funny.


    You pretend not to believe in GOD, but he knows your secret heart, and he will smite you for screwing your pal out of cash. Your only hope is repenting to your bishop. You must tell him every nasty thing you’ve ever done–leave no detail out–bishops enjoy the details.

  36. Just want to say I am extremely bummed about the split. I found this podcast and have listened to every episode from the start everyday at work all day. Just when I got to the last episode I get the news of it being no more. I really hope ya’ll 2 can work out your differences I have listened to a couple other podcasts and nothing compairs to the 1 true podcast! I live in Alabama in the bible belt and its sure nice to be able to hear something else besides religious rhetoric all day, and to have a few comments to the preaching people at work.

  37. D J Lazaro says:

    Matt Wakefield as new cohost gets my vote .
    Don’t make us beg. But we will if we have to.

  38. There is one absolute and unconditional truth in the universe, Irreligiosophy is the greatest podcast ever. Chuck, with great power comes great responsibility, you must produce more podcasts.

  39. with spikes says:

    I have to say like a lot of people i was gutted to hear that this was coming to an end.theres so much left to do, more crazy moron stuff, father rodericks star trek and lord of the rings podcasts etc.

    I have to say though, thank you Chuck for the hours of entertainment and the stacks of knowledge you have provided us with.you are an absolute legend my friend and its always a good thing to know that our team has people like you on it.

    I hope this isnt the end, its too good to end.but if it is to be the final curtain, its been a hell of a good show.

    This really is the one true podcast

  40. Matthew McLeod says:

    Thanks for the episode, downloading now.

  41. talkjawking says:

    This was a good last episode, I think, because even though you mostly were just going over Barker’s history, the way you discussed his deconversion helped bring it around full circle, ya know? It would’ve been nice to see you and Leighton tackle a subject head-on like the old days, but it’s good regardless. And Chuck, if Leighton never comes around again, I suggest starting a new podcast (with a new co-host) and just calling it something different (but keep the same site!). You really are way too good at this to quit.

  42. Pat Robertson says:

    Leighton’s problem was that he made the best podcast ever about Hindusim.

    Oh, and yes, he still loves the Mormon church more than life itself.

    Mark my words, that guy is a future temple worker.

  43. Pat Robertson says:

    Chuck, if you can waste time on spook alleys, you can certianly keep doing this.

    No joke. keep going…

  44. Do one more have fun with it & then take a brake

  45. What about Kim Van Gundy as your new sidekick?

  46. Art Oefinger says:

    Chuck, I agree totally with my fellow fans comments. Personally the podcast is entertaining but more importantly (to me) it addresses the very serious issue of the negative influence of religion on society. The information made available by the podcast makes all of us more able to address these issues with our friends and others.
    This is serious stuff and we all benefit from your efforts.

  47. somewhere in greece says:

    You know, I am actually putting off listening to this last episode.

  48. Just finished the episode. I actually liked it. A lot of my extended family comes from an evangelical fundamentalist background, so listening to Dan Barker was a really good window into the mindset. I would also like to point out that you did a very good job of being an interviewer, and asked poignant and insightful questions.

  49. Chuck, gutted this podcast has come to an end. I loved every second of listening to all the material on this podcast. It was great to find real life people with an insight into what it is like to be part of and to have left a fringe religious group. I found the podcast really helped me to step outside the religious box and see things from the skeptical point but with a bit of humour. Sad to see the end and will check back now and then just on the off chance that new content might become available.

    I would love to hear it continue if you get the energy back for it.

  50. Hang in there chuck
    Like somebody said already, you are way too good at this stuff not to keep going in some way.