2.1: The Empty Tomb

For the first episode of the second coming of Irreligiosophy, join Matt and Chuck as we tackle William Lane Craig’s arguments for the central claims of Christianity: the empty tomb and resurrection. I am willing to grant for the sake of argument that Jesus’s tomb was as empty as my rectal vault after a combo burrito from Pancho’s, but as we find out, the existence of an empty tomb does not necessarily lead to a conclusion of resurrection.

Source: Jefferey Jay Lowder, Historical Evidence and the Empty Tomb Story: A Reply to William Lane Craig, The Empty Tomb, pp. 261-306, Prometheus Books, 2005.

57 Responses to “2.1: The Empty Tomb”

  1. Welcome back! ^_^

  2. Now I can stop masturbating! For now. Just for now. Yes. You.s

  3. Hells yes!

  4. Oh yeah!!!!! Am listening right now!

  5. Which is more likely? Did your bowels do the work or was it invisible magic butt-fairies that emptied your vault? Trick question, the answer was Kirk Hastings.

  6. All it would take for me to evacuate my rectal vault would be to listen to William Lane Craig

  7. Great episode. So glad Irreligiosophy is back!

  8. Love you, guys! Empty tombs to you.

  9. yeee haaaa!

  10. Praise Mithras! It lives!

  11. John Ellis says:

    No fucking way you have 10 fans who already posted comments. I call fake posts for at least 8 of them – the only two real ones are probably Steve and Jack who gave human names. I’m still fan #3, and Mims Carter’s skunkdick.

  12. Discord.agent says:

    Irreligiosophy has done what Jesus couldn’t, resurrect before the end of the current generation. Now it’s the time for almighty Chuck to cast out the unfaithful wretches that went whoring for false podcasts!

  13. The podcast is back? It’s an Alvis Time miracle.

    P.S. Why is it that the most highly esteemed apologists have arguments that my children can refute?

  14. Jay (stronger now) says:

    Huzzah! As it was prophesied, so it is made manifest!…or not. So glad to see your return, Chuck.

  15. You’re forgetting the greatest evidence for Jesus, the resurrection of irreligiosophy which could only have been brought about by a good and just God.

    Also I looked up Stryper, all I have to say is A-hahahahahaha! Calling on you has over 2 million hits on youtube. I assume that’s all irreligiosophy fans laughing at Matt.

  16. Welcome back and it’s about bloody time! Seriously it’s good to have my favorite podcast back.

  17. woot! glad to see a new episode!

  18. Hallelujah, he is risen indeed!

  19. La_Chounie says:


  20. Jeebus be praised!

  21. Praise Yahweh, my prayers were answered!

  22. xMetalChemistryx says:

    The One True Podcast has return! My prayers have been answered!

  23. WMccreery says:

    God be Praised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. somewhere in greece says:

    You’re back! yay!

  25. Awesome. Loved it. keep it up…. (vagina)

  26. After such a long absence, even that horrible opening music sounds good.

  27. I just want to take this opportunity to say, fuck you, fuck you all.

  28. Happy New Year/Podcast reboot!

  29. Kate Incognita says:

    Welcome back! And I love the new music re-mix.

  30. Finally, someone with taste.

  31. Great podcast. It’s sad that we as atheists have to go to such lengths to refute a claim that is already completely unverifiable, but you did a great job at it. I am looking forward to the second half.

  32. Citizen Wolf says:

    At last, you’re back. Thanks be to Odin!

  33. Charles Minus says:

    At least you didn’t do any fucking interviews.

    Seriously, the show sucks, but the web page looks really good, nice work.

    I’ll be working on some medical questions, great idea. Something involving smegma…hmmm.


  34. Charles Minus says:

    At least you didn’t do any fucking interviews.

    Seriously, the show sucks, but the web page looks really nice, Good job.

    Great idea about the medical questions. I’ll be working on some, probably something about smegma.


  35. Charles Minus says:

    Sorry for the double post, My next question will be about diplopia.


  36. It wasn’t aware of how much I had missed it until I heard the new episode… Like the new intro, and the site looks great. I love the idea of the medical corner too

  37. The joy. It burns.

  38. It’s almost mind-numbing to see how much the podcast has improved since Leighton’s excommunication. It seems as if Matt is capable of… like… actual facts and stuff. Any plans to re-do the Hinduism episode any time soon?

  39. Welcome back! I’ve thought of you every time I fed a North Korean child to a dog.

    If you are planning to do another episode on the resurrection, you may want to look into a mythicist account. Richard Carrier has a put up a pretty persuasive presentation on YouTube. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XORm2QtR-os&feature=plcp)

    Carrier also writes about Paul’s conception of Jesus in the epistles. Carrier argues that Paul was writing about a celestial being who “underwent an incarnation, death, and resurrection in outer space like some taught Osiris had done.” http://freethoughtblogs.com/carrier/archives/2839/#more-2839

  40. Jolly good, jolly good!

  41. I think I will cover the mythicist debate sometime soon. Carrier’s arguments are good, but I’m not entirely convinced that mythicism is the most parsimonious explanation. We’ll see.

  42. Lucy Harris says:


  43. I have one teeny tiny minor complaint. The intro music is way to fucking loud. It blows my ears out. If I’m riding my bike in zero degree weather it’s tough to stop, take a glove off and adjust the sound before I go deaf. And then if I turn it down so the music isn’t painful I can’t hear the podcast, which is the point.

    Also, I know it’s deliberate and I know the music will only get louder in relation because of my complaint. Fuck you. Yeah, I’ll keep listening anyway…sigh.

  44. morguegirl says:

    so happy you’re back! Love the revamped intro

  45. Hey Chuck and Matt, Its great to have you both back on the air. I am a long time listener from Montreal, first time commenting. I also heard Chuck on one of my other favorite Podcasts Cognitive Dissonance. Just wanted to say welcome back, I am looking forward to the reading of more creationist books and doctoral dissertations. I am certain there has to be more idiots graduating from Liberty University soon. Anyways I am a director for the CFI Montreal book club so If your ever considering writing a book let me know and I will make it a required reading. I just purchased Seth Andrews book (from the Thinking Atheist Podcast). I also wanted to let you know I received a nasty response from Kirk Hasteings, After commenting on his Question Irreligiosophy Facebook page so I think I am now banned. I am not at all saddened buy such events I feel it is a right of passage for any Irreligiosophy Podcast fan and I would encourage all to do so.

    Thanks For The Show
    Andrew Cody from Montreal

  46. Congratulations on the banning, Andrew. If I ever decide to write a book, I’ll definitely let you know.

  47. I’m fairly certain the whole Jesus has risen thing was an early attempt to allegorize male “performance” issues. I’m renaming my penis “Jesus” (silent J) in homage.

  48. COME ON MAN! The second, second coming is giving me blue balls!

  49. You know, saying your show has 4-5 listeners doesn’t actually make it any better.

    Self-deprecation is fine, but now it’s just getting stale.