[irrelig]Today we talk about early Christian heresies like docetism and adoptionism, and how they influenced both the formation of the canon and the texts within it. It may not surprise you to learn that during the decades-long course of the argument over whether or not Jesus was fully human, fully divine, or both, scribes made alterations in the text so that it would more fully support their viewpoint. Because if you can’t win the argument with the texts you have, by all means make some shit up. And when that fails, simply kill people (as we’ll get into in the next episode).

Leighton’s Source: Wikipedia
Chuck’s Source: “Misquoting Jesus,” by Bart Ehrman, although “Orthodox Corruption of Scripture” goes into more detail


35 Responses to “72: Early Christian Heresies, Part One”

  1. You guys are awesome. Maybe put a warning label: NS4W. Everyone in my corner of the office must have heard me laughing.

  2. Herb (12th Apostile) says:

    I second Abby’s comment re: the warning label. You may want to add the warning to other parts of the site, too. Imagine my embarrassment when I opened Chris D.’s dissertation just as a female co-worker stopped by my cube to say hello. “HELLO!” indeed.

  3. Angry Budgie says:

    Aww you guys should be nice to Glenn Beck. He’s going blind supposedly. Probably all that vick’s vapor rub he’s used to generate spontaneous tears.

    What am I saying? Glenn Beck is the national idiot. Have at him.

  4. Dietrich says:

    God’s such a dick. You think he coulda told Mary and step-Joseph that the kid’s missing? No, he just sits on his non-comp-paying ass and does nothing for 3 days.

  5. My favorite part of was when Leighton suddenly started to beat off. Random masturbation can never go wrong. I demand more!

  6. I have read a few of Bart Ehrman’s books (mostly about the excluded books) and find them very fascinating. I didn’t really have a clue about gnosticism until I did actually. I will have to listen to this one when I get a chance.

  7. Thanks for listing your reference materials…it’s like fun homework.

  8. Moggie Magfeline says:

    I cried more at the start of this podcast than Glenn Back does

  9. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Sorry, Glenn Beck. My brain stopped my hand typing his name, it was so painful

  10. Herb (12th Apostile) says:

    Mark Williams would like you to share more of those black baby jokes when the Tea Party Express makes its next stop, Leighton.

    You must’ve dozed off during Eva’s lecture on humor and laughter because that was just offensive. (The wacking off bit, though…very funny.)

  11. Leighton says:

    Kinda the point, Herb. Guess it’s a good thing I didn’t tell the second half on how to get the kid down.

  12. Herb (12th Apostile) says:

    Well, if that was the point, Leighton, you did well to juxtapose those two brands of humor.

  13. The Cornell skunk dick nomination is a bit hazy.

    The procedure he’s performing is done on babies who have a condition known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. What happens is, is that both a penis and a vagina try to form. There are complications with this condition that may require the shrinking of clitoris to correct; which is what the Cornell professor did.

  14. Moggie Magfeline says:

    I think there’s a typo, Chuck: Shouldn’t Leighton’s source be Dikipedia?

  15. Ironic Name says:

    @taiki: Pharyngula had a good post about this:http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2010/06/what_is_the_right_size_for_a_c.php. The guy was doing it for almost purely cosmetic reasons, and circumvented protocols to do it. Regardless, there is no fucking reason for anyone to be testing a six year olds clitoris with a vibrator, ever. If there is that much of chance for damage, then the operation shouldn’t be done without the informed consent of the patient.

  16. Ironic Name says:

    Sorry, link here Irreligiosophy needs a preview button.

  17. Moggie Magfeline says:

    OK, now I surrender. I have looked up “Molligan” and “Mollagan” on several web sites and they have not helped me understand what the hell Leighton was talking about. As I am a Down Under-ian, I would appreciate any USA-ians translating WTF Leighton was referring to. Thanks, Cobbers!

  18. Herb (12th Apostile) says:

    Moggie. Really? C’mon you Leighton. He’s prone to mispronounce his own name on occassion. He was saying, “Mulligan.” (Say: ‘mul-lĕ-gĕn.) It’s a golfing term for a “do-over.” For example, if your tee-shot winds up in the creek, you can say, “Mulligan” and that shot won’t count against your score. You can then tee-up another shot.

    So when Leighton f***s-up, as Leighton is prone to do, he can take a mulligan. Still, in golf, there is usually an agreed upon number of mulligans (usually 1, 2 or 3) you can take in the course of a single round. We may need to increase that number for Leighton during these podcasts.

    On another critical note, WTF was up with Chuck’s audio during this episode. During certain bits, it sounded like he was dialing in from Utopia Planitia.

  19. Herb (12th Apostile) says:

    I’ll take a mulligan on that post. Should have read, “C’mon you know Leighton.”

  20. I thought you were just being a dick to Moggie and using Leighton’s name to mean idiot.

  21. @Kerwin lol. I am so going to start using that.

  22. Herb (12th Apostle) says:

    @Kerwin ROTFLMFAO. I didn’t think of those words as being are synonymous but, given the ambiguity, I’m glad I gave myself that mulligan. If I hadn’t, I’d owe Moggie a life debt for showing such disrespect on the One True Podcast’s web site. We all know that there is no disrespecting going on around here.

  23. Herb (12th Apostle) says:

    @Kerwin ROTFLMFAO. I didn’t think of those words as being synonymous but, given the ambiguity, I’m glad I gave myself that mulligan. If I hadn’t, I’d owe Moggie a life debt for showing such disrespect on the One True Podcast’s web site. We all know that there is no disrespecting going on around here.

  24. Herb (12th Apostle) says:

    jeezus my editing sucks.

  25. Bart Ehrman would make a great guest if you could land him. He seems to have a nice sense of humour and would prbly fit in well.

    On another note:

    Hey Leighton, put a bag on it, okay.

  26. Dietrich says:

    Just don’t use paper. It chafes.

  27. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Tried to put this on The One True Forum, but it seems to currently be extremely dickish (I’ll call a Mulligan on that attempt):

    Clever Counterprotest of the Day: San Diego Comic-Con patrons take on the hateful Westboro Baptist Church, who are in town to harangue attendees for false idol worship (seriously).


  28. RE: Forum… I don’t know if it’s just dickishness or what, but not only can I not log into the new forum, but it won’t let me request a new password. I’m still logged in on the main site, and can see the email I used in my profile here, but it claims that it’s not a valid username/email combination

  29. pingüino maricón says:

    the new forum works fine for me, cabrones

  30. Davros — I manually updated your password. Send me an email at irreligiosophy@gmail.com and I’ll email it to you.

  31. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Superman? Batman? Dicks. Here’s a REAL superhero….


  32. Queen of Hearts says:

    When are you guys going to do an episode making fun of other podcasts again? I must have listened to those podcast awards episodes 4x each

  33. Greenlion says:

    I can’t find your Email addresses anywhere. Just wanted to point you toward this new Indian Guru named Sri Sri Sri Spankneesh Ji, who says he can spank you to enlightenment. This is what you’ve been waiting for Layton. Someone to smack your ass into Nirvana. You can hear an interview with this Spankneesh Ji on the “New Man” podcast. I laughed til I cried. Keep up the good work guys!

  34. Mr. One Two says:

    Not to be a dick, but…. where’s part 2? I’m going on vacation in the morning and was hoping to fill some of my drive time with you two idiots. Seriously, love the show… keep it up.

  35. Mr. One Two says:

    Yes… part 2 is up. 🙂