[irrelig]After discussing one final heresy, I hand the podcast reins over. Brace yourselves, it’s another Leighton-filled podcast, complete with all the stellar research you’ve all come to expect from Irreligiosophy.

Or at least, have come to expect since Leighton’s Hinduism podcast.

14 Responses to “73: Early Christian Heresies, Part the Second”

  1. pingüino maricón says:

    Finally! I’ve got a half chub just thinking about listening!

  2. On behalf of Irreligiosophy, I apologize for your extended flaccidity.

  3. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Sniff snifff….I was …(weep)…driving to work today and….(tears), and I saw a rainbow. When I arrived at work,….(weep)….a miracle had occurred and a new …(sniff)….Irreligiosophy episode had been delivered from heaven. The promise was fulfilled (tears)! Hallelujah! all praise Chuck & Leighton!….(weep)…..

  4. My penis wept.

  5. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Another great podcast that was well worth the wait.

    It sounds like my husband has something to look forward to on my fast approaching 40th birthday.

    Better get back to washing the dishes….

    BTW, I had two fig trees, but they wouldn’t bear any fruit so I wrecked ’em. There you go, it’s easy to put in a sentence.

  6. I’m disappointed in the lack of a “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition” joke, especially after the Life of Brian reference…

  7. No skunk dick award and no inquisition jokes? I’m making a very sad face…Other than that it was awesome.

  8. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Yeah, I was just going to say no wonder it was a short episode: no skunk dicks and not enough discussion regarding Leighton’s penis.

  9. Dietrich says:

    The entire episode was a metaphor for Leighton’s penis. Short and… okay. Just short.

  10. (was) somehere in greece says:

    I am very happy to see you have posted a new episode.
    Unfortunately, at the moment I have internet access only from work. Would it be possible to have the episode emailed to me?

    Thanking you in advance, I remain yours sicnerely

  11. Email sent, but Gmail was acting wonky. Let me know if it arrives.

  12. Please grant those atheists who dwell within Arkansas a heads up before you do away with the state. Give both of us a fighting chance to escape the destruction. This I pray in the name of Chuck, Leighton, and the Unholy Goat. Ramen.

  13. pingüino maricón says:

    You are right to criticize this podcast for not having any skunk dicks. After all, this is Fuck You Hosts month. But remember that most of the other requisite elements of an Irreligiophilosophy podcast were present:

    Half-assed research
    Homoerotic undertone
    Crude sacrilege
    Condescending disregard for fans

    My biggest complaint is that Leighton actually sounded like he knew what he was talking about. That’s against the goddamn rules! What the hell kinda shit you trying to pull, Leighton?

  14. Leighton says:

    Knowing I’ve got the great Pinguino fooled means I can now die a happy man. My legacy is fulfilled.