[irrelig]I’m going to go ahead and apologize for this one right now. I made the mistake of letting Leighton present his “research” first, and he ended up taking the entire podcast (probably out of revenge for me doing the same thing to him every chance I get). The result is, well, let’s just say it’s quintessentially Leighton.

May Yahweh help us all.

24 Responses to “86: The Mitzvah”

  1. PaxAugustus says:

    Finally after 5771 years of easy living somebody has the guts to go after us Jews. For those of you who say the Jews were persecuted during the crusades, inquisition, pogroms, and the (alleged) holocaust you forget the years 1946-1948 when they had a pretty sweet ride. I’m a Jew and normally I would say this episode was another example of gentile antisemitism, but you guys are ex-Mormon and therefor not gentiles. FIVE STARS!!!!

  2. mikekoz68 says:

    First to respond again! I really need to get some sleep! Great podcast though

  3. mikekoz68 says:

    Damn it, second! Second to respond sucks, now the podcast doesn’t seem that great anymore…

  4. Poor cows. Raped then stoned. And it doesn’t even get to enjoy the company of a donkey while it’s plowing. Or getting plowed.

  5. (was) somehere in greece says:

    Who or what do I thank for being able to download this from work onto my mp3 player?

  6. this sucks. Can’t play it or download it~ No idea what that whole player format is, plus I’m on a mac so its not compatible anyways~ Great JEWpiters Gonads!!!!!

  7. That’s a stupid ad from adbrite. I’ll remove it, it’s just spam anyway. Click on the link above to get the mp3.

  8. John McKenna says:

    The reason one must not work an Ox and an Ass together seems pretty obvious to me. Since an Ox is so much bigger and stronger you’ll end up plowing in a circle.

  9. Moggie Magfeline says:

    Nah, I reckon its to keep cocks and asses separated. That would be rule violation-a-rama.
    BTW, re the whole masturbation thing. Has this guy ever heard of God Damn childbirth???

  10. Duffman_ohyeah says:

    Cocks (Male Chickens) Asses (Donkey) and Tits (Bird) have no business plowing ANYTHING together, field or otherwise. Especially Cocks and Asses thats just an abomination

  11. The Red Mist says:

    Chuck, comparing the treatment of women by Muslims in a foreign country to flimsy American Christian pro-life arguments just seemed like a cheap jab, and not a very philosophically sound argument.
    I’m just saying

    Leighton, way to not let Chuck dominate the whole podcast. Let’s hear Hindu, Part Deux!

  12. You just alternate hands to stop the curvage by wankage!

  13. Orthodox Judaism is so bronze age and silly with all the pointless rules that not many Jews take it seriously anymore. This podcast, because of its target, was not even shooting fish in a barrel. It was like shooting dead fish in a pile on the ground. I guess that’s why I didn’t find this podcast that compelling. Maybe to show Christians that this is the origins of their god? But most Christians are clueless about this anyway.

  14. I didn’t find it compelling either.

  15. Moggie Magfeline says:

    This episode was easy listening fun. Enjoyed it a lot. You guys can make up for the lack of “compulsion” this week by doing your next “real” episode on The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. Looking forward to the forthcoming “discussion” with E4F. At least I know I won’t be waiting 6 weeks for my next Irreligiosophy fix….

  16. I’m still trying to get over the fact that episodes are being consistently published in a timely fashion. What has the world come to?

    Moggie, I think we need to give Leighton a little more time to do “research”. After all, there are pictures in that book from Assyrians and Sumerians, not just Egyptians….

  17. Who’s idea was it to let Leighton have his own podcast?

  18. Citizen Wolf says:

    I like the new amendments for the 10 commandments

    You must not steal in a car.
    You must not steal in a bar.
    You must not steal cookies from my cookie jar.

    Educational-podcast-of-the-week award. I loved it.

  19. I know this is a bit redundantI just wanted to say how awesome your podcasts are. It’s so informative that it even teaches me stuff that I should know. The LDS Political Primer episode was a real eye opener, especially since I know of half of the people you mentioned personally (FYI, the mom that they got, who ended up being mormon, is Debbie Hartman, she used to teach here at BYUH and she came out about two years ago in favor of gay marriage, that’s probably why she isn’t teaching there anymore).

    Oh and there’s a urban dictionary entry for Mormon Woody, I made it just for Leighton. He deserves it for making the masturbation episode the funniest podcast ever. If you ever do an episode on Blacks and the Mormon priesthood, I’m definitely your guy. My family has history with that issue.

  20. nathan_in_indonesia says:

    Dr. Chuck, I’m ambidextrous, so if I alternate hands while I’m doing the five knuckle shuffle with that keep my dick straight or just leave me with an “S” shaped dick?

    Leighton: Kasihan kamu untuk kontolmu yang sangat kecil.
    (Indonesian for I’m sorry you have a really small dick).

  21. Hey Guys,

    Great podcast, I just have a question.

    I looked up if there was a jewish hell and I came up with a link to Gehanna (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gehenna) and according to the article the maximum time your sole can spend there atoning for your sins is one year but there are 5 people there for eternity. Now I can’t seem to find out who these 5 people are, I read somewhere that the Pharaoh (presumably moses’s one) is there but I cant find who else. Any idea’s?

  22. I’m pretty sure one of those five seats is reserved for Miley Cyrus.

  23. Just found some more wacky stuff on the place. Apparently you you can go to hell for always following the advice of your wife and you are spared hell if you have spent your life suffering from intestinal catarrh.

    Not sure what happens if you have intestinal catarrh and always listen to your wife?


  24. I was raised Jewish, and I had no idea about most of those laws. But then again, rape and livestock were not part of my childhood, so maybe that’s why I had no idea. And ironically, Dr. Seuss was Jewish.