[irrelig]After a very brief hiatus, we return with more crazy stories from the Book of Mormon, this time centering around Christ’s visit to the Americas and all the property damage that ensued. Also, this week’s Skunk Dick.
Who knows when we’ll be back for another episode, so enjoy this one.
39 Responses to “104: Crazy Book of Mormon Stories II”
Oh no, are you sick Leighton?
And people were moaning about you guys taking so long.
Bad people. Very naughty.
Why can’t you just be patient?
This is a lovely start to my day!
Aw once again that grating voice soothes my ears.
Is the spirit of contention stronger than the spirit of light? Since the former drives out the latter? Or is the spirit of light just a coward?
You forgot to mention that King Noah actually ends up getting burned at the stake too.
The children’s singing reminds me of a horror movie opening scene.
Finally! you guys are killing me with this whole biweekly thing. PLEASE KEEP DOING EPISODES. We all pretend to hate you but we genuinely love the show (except maybe Mims Carter who just hates you.)
Take your time, I’ve been enjoying finally getting caught up on the Reasonable Faith podcast.
I think they should outsource the production to the E4F guys.
Leela the Blessed: Nah, I’m not sick or anything serious like that. It was my buddy’s birthday this last weekend so we headed to a couple of bars. We were all having ourselves a time, a scuffle started, and I got punched in the throat. Nothing special. My voice should be back to normal shortly.
Leighton, you wanted a miracle . . . God reached out and punched you in the throat. What else could you ask for, you’re not mute per-say, but it’s close enough.
Leighton – you literally made me laugh until I died! Great episode guys. Literally.
Leighton, sounds like you need a speech pathologist. I’ll do some work with you.
“This darkness is blacker than my skin, I sure wish Jesus would come down here and lighten things up!”
Best part of the podcast.
So dark you couldn’t start a fire….can’t really say that it’s any worse than regular bible science. And was Chuck present at this bar fight?
Well Leighton, at least you don’t get punched in the nose again. Or stabbed in the thigh.
I loled so hard at the General Conference blwojob angels.
So god tried to mute Leighton, and all he could do was make him hoarse? Leighton is pretty honey badger bad-ass. Or maybe bike shorts are like iron chariots?
I think you guys forgot that Hovind was 3 episodes as well (you did the 2nd and 3rd parts in one episode). Great episode. Don’t stay away too long!
if only you’d had an iron rod with you at that party Leighton…..
Leighton, you got punched in the throat because of the time you were rebuked in the name of Jesus. You must have violated the conditions of the curse and were therefore punished by the power of christ (i.e. a fist to your throat).
with spikes: Let’s see, balls of steel, check. Iron rod……Iron Rod……Nope. No iron rod. Guess I’ll have to find something else to hold to.
P.s. Wasn’t exactly the type of “scuffle” I’d be needing an “iron rod” for.
Nice shoutout for the Atheists of Utah Valley. If you guys ever decide to drop by, be sure to let me know, I’ll grab a book to have you guys sign.
*weeps impossibly large tears*
Thank you Moewicus, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Enough Moron stories.
Do Q.
Leighton – sounds like your throat needs some of my Special Healing Serum.
Where did Leighton learn to speak? And what is the aesthetic appeal of leather boots and bike pants?
I like the podcasts – but I feel a little dirty afterwards.
I’m from Australia and the religion I been exposed to during my childhood is nothing like the Mormonism you describe.
It truly sounds horrible – mental health issues must be rife.
Keep up the good work.
[D]id Leighton learn to speak?
I hate to get all serious, but I want to address the issue of fundamentalist being consistent in their belief. For a long time I felt that fundamentalists deserved more respect of being ‘true’ Christians/Muslims/Scientologists/etc as compared with their pick-and-choose brethren of the mainstream. I’ve come to view this as a false conclusion for several reasons.
First: Most fundamentalists ignore just as much of their holy scripture as the mainstreamers, they just ignore different parts mostly.
B: The idea that someone who is more committed to their detachment from reality than someone else is deserving of more respect is just a tad insane. Being even more unwilling than most to accept facts that contradict their beliefs is not a trait to be admired.
Any chance of hearing Chuck and Leighton sing this:
I have to agree with Rev Matt on the fundamentalist thing, they ignore scripture as much as anyone else.
Sheep you are, then, sir. Baa baa baa baa baa.
RE the fundamentalist thing, I think what this sentiment gets at is that there’s more common ground between atheists and fundamentalists on the matter of whether there is such a thing as truth and that it matters as compared to people who deny there’s any argument and it’s all relative–“It’s like day or night, it’s just a matter of where on the globe you’re standing” (yes, I’ve seen that analogy used). I think it was Richard Dawkins who said essentially the same thing at some point: that fundamentalists are more worthy of respect because they’re willing to say “you’re wrong”. I agree that fundamentalists are inconsistent, though. Get two literalists of different sects to interpret the Bible to each other and they’ll both say the other isn’t reading it literally. Really, any literal reading of the Babble begins at Genesis 1 and stops by necessity at Genesis 2. Hence it is impossible for fundamentalists to be consistent.
Rev Matt: Yes, fundamentalists suck more, technically, but we don’t want to go easy on progressives either. They’re not off the hook just because they’re not fundamentalist. Otherwise, everything you said seems correct. Fundamentalists are more dangerous, I think, but our strategy with them is essentially the same strategy we have with all theists; we poke holes until nonsensical beliefs come undone. If you’ve been brainwashed, this process can take a really, really long time. And it seems that the more brainwashed you are from the start, the more impenetrable to doubt and reason and criticism you are also. I’d like to see better strategies for dealing with fundamentalists, but for now we’ll just have to rely on the secular government to keep them from our throats. Bad news if our government doesn’t stay secular. So I don’t have a more meaningful solution for dealing with fundamentalists. For example, what can you do about the Phelps family except do legal battle and argue? Neither seems to be effective (and ridicule only empowers them, I think), so maybe we’ll just have to see what evolution does in a few hundred more years.
Oh I agree that the non-fundies are delusional and shouldn’t be allowed to operate in society unsupervised by rational adults, my point was just that the fundies shouldn’t be lauded for being more committed to denying reality. They’re all nutters, some more than others.
I didn’t know the BoM was so explicit in their Jesus prophecy. Sorry, Mormons, but it takes monumental suspension of disbelief to believe Smith’s golden plates origin of the BoM and that it really had that prophecy dated to BC years, rather than Smith writing it himself. How can anyone say it loud and believe it?
Does Leighton make anyone else think of Russel Crowe?
I liked the “Crazy Bible Stories” more, which I blame on the source material of this episode.
Also, that “I just wanna be a sheep” song had BETTER be ironic.
I am listening to the recording of Book of Mormon by Matt and Trey. sounds awesome so far. and the background info I got from you guys helped me to appreciate it much more.
Yes, I’m listening to it as well. Good stuff. Chuck and Leighton should comment on this musical. Funny stuff. I wonder what the LDS Church has to say about this. It’s harder to ignore a full-scale Broadway musical than an obscure cartoon using construction paper cutouts for animation. This is some professional anti-Mormonism here. I approve.