[irrelig]Although listening to it I’d hate to go out this way. It’s basically a beta version of the Loftus interview. I’m a huge fan of Dan Barker, but I seem less engaged in this one even though it was done way back in February. Leighton actually has a clue who Barker is since I loaned him my copy of Losing Faith in Faith in preparation for the E4F debate, but he’s still Leighton.

I need a break. But I am toying around with the idea of doing another episode gently critiquing Kirk Hasting’s magnum opus What is Truth? (since I’ve already finished half of the work on it) maybe with expert Hovindologist Matt Wakefield as cohost. That might be a more fitting exit for Irreligiosophy than a poorly-done interview — although come to think of it, poorly-done interviews are what we’re known for.

No matter what happens, the site and existing podcasts will remain up and available.

67 Responses to “Probably Maybe the Last Episode: Dan Barker”

  1. It was so great to find another podcast!!! Thank you. Please find a way to continue, although I am certain the work is more difficult than most realize. It does mean more to people than you may realize.

    Tom Lally

  2. Dude, just want to say thanks – thanks for finally putting out this episode, thanks for all 109 some odd episodes, and thanks for all the hard work you put into creating this sweet website and podcast. I like a lot of the skeptical and atheist podcasts out there, but yours injected something new and desperately needed – political incorrectness, and really damn good humor. Yours was the kind of podcast that, if they were hanging together, and put their minds to it, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, and Penn & Teller might have aspired to create.

    You know, you might consider just keeping things simple. That is, you could read stuff you wanted to read anyway, and just record a podcast of you doing an audio book review of sorts – just stuff that the book made you think about. You probably have some general thoughts on the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Just think of the main points you’d like people to know, record yourself speaking them, and boom, new podcast. Or, get on the Skype, talk to a fellow skeptic about it for an hour, and boom, another new podcast. It only has to be a big time commitment if you let it become that way. Just a thought. (For that matter, since the Second Law is up and running, you could always just pop up there as a guest host from time to time, and let them do most of the work.)

    Either way, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Fuck you. Fuck you for the sheer, pure, unadulterated awesome that was Irreligiosophy. Long may it strike terror into the hearts of Leighton’s brother, Evidence for Faith, the Wigglian Way, and, on occasion, Mims Carter.

  3. Imagine me, coming to you on bended knee, singing as loud as I can my best rendition of Styx’s “Don’t Let it End”, and spare yourself the nightmares you will have if I actually really have to do it.

    But seriously, this podcast really both educated and entertained. No longer fun? Well I don’t believe you. You’re jonesing for it already. You need us as much as we need you. Admit it. And yeah, I’m a gonna donate before the weekend’s over. You said something to the effect that “I hate to ask for money without giving something back”

    Hell, dude, I owe you for everything you already gave. I owe you more than I can pay, but I’ll pay what I can. So enough of that kind of talk.

    So here we go :

  4. I just… I’ve never commented or shit like that. I’m really more of a lurker, but like.. I really fucking want to express how retardedly much this podcast has meant to me. This is possibly the only fucking podcast I’ve ever listened to that I’d call completely intellectually honest. No pathetic political correctness, no dumbass avoiding subjects, no problems what so ever mocking your own errors as much as others (mocking others are more fun tho 😉 and… while I’ve never been religious, I’ve learned much about, and have started aspiring to, a very high level of what I would call real honesty and intellectual integrity, and that is inspired by your work on this podcast. There are other fun podcasts, there are other snarky podcasts, there are other antiligious podcasts, but I have yet to find anything even getting in your league of directness and honesty, and that is like.. yeah.. thats that. You are like the P.Z. Myers of podcasting. And other podcasts are like the Mooney of podcasting.

    So thanks. And the fucking best to you Chuck, the very best wishes I can possibly send. And while I can certainly understand the rage at Leighton, I sincerely hope he deals with whatever made him fuck shit up, and turn stuff around and make up and such. We all screw shit up in life now and then, not that it justifies it, its just, yeah whatever you get the point.

    Anyways holy wall of text. best wishes
    -Andreas, also you should totally do a podcast with myers as your cohost. where you just blasted truth 😀

  5. This is probably one of the best podcasts! I hope things get worked out.

  6. Are we ever going to hear from Leighton again? There’s lots of Leighton bashing going on here and while I’m not necessarily skeptical of Chuck’s story, we are only hearing it from one side and as a skeptic, I need more data! So where’s the real Leighton?

  7. guess we’re down to one comment daily, so i just thought Id bump the numbers up for today…

    it’s hard to let it go

  8. Yeh, withdrawal is horrible.

    Regarding mikekoz68s question about Leighton, someone made some kind of page for him on Facebook that he appeared to have found his way to.

    They fact that he hasnt posted here while having a functioning internet connection makes me convinced that Chucks version is the one true story.

  9. Yeah Mike, I’m not comfortable with all the Leighton bashing either. There are two sides to every story. Leighton has had a crazy life. It sounds like he was raised by Fred Phelps light, raped in the woods, tried to believe all this religious BS and then kept having the shitty reality of the world thrown in his face. I’m sure Chuck has been honest, but he’s also been very general. I’m not sure the details are any of our business either.

  10. Jack Pollock says:

    Second that, Kevin. None of my business, at least. I hope against odds that there will be something new in the future from either Chuck and Leighton together again or projects they pursue separately. Very sad for the shitty business that sometimes happens between friends.

  11. Citizen Wolf says:

    Just checking in to see if there’s any news.
    Any new plans on the horizon? Any link-ups with other podcasters planned?

  12. ditto on the leighton bashing…. never a good idea to get between friends and their problems… its their business and none of ours

  13. This was a great podcast. I really don’t care if you are having fun or not…well maybe I do…it the bourbon talking now…I’m from Kentucky….but seriously, Chuck, take some time off and get some help (administrative). I sent you some money. I’ll send $20 bucks a month to hear you interview people. It’s funny, but it really it’s important stuff that you are providing on your podcast. Find someone else to do comic relieve. Although I did think that Leighton did a very good job. Keep this going!!!!!

  14. Derrick neese says:

    Thank you for everything you have done chuck. My dad and I (mark, the poster above) spent countless conversations with a stiff drink listening to and talking about your show. Im 24; people my age need a source like you. This show was a real intellectual gem, i only hope that i can pay it forward some day.

  15. Chuck- you did a great job on the podcast, it was the highlight of my week most of the time. I understand how friendships can end over business and its too bad this has happened, but in the long run its for the best I’m sure. Thank you for the hours of entertainment you have provided and hope to hear from you again. Oh yeah in spirit of the show…..fuck off!

  16. ya had a good thing going here chuck, shame to let it wither and die on the vine after all those years getting it up to speed.. worked your way up to where you could get some big time guests starting to come on… no matter what else, you were in the process of going places with it…hate to see you go.. i dont think its just our loss either. your loss too. You put a lot into it, and you wouldnt have done it if it didnt mean anything to you. You’re damn good at it though, chuck, and you’ve got plenty to say so I think you’ll be back somewhere, somehow.. spreading the word of the one true podcast even if its in a different place and time and all that shit…..

    hope to see you out there somewhere, i’d hate to miss the comeback when you decide you’re ready for another try 🙂

  17. I’m sorry to see you guys go. I’ve really enjoyed the shows and always had a good laugh to boot. Take care, guys! 😀