This thread is especially for Herb

So he doesn’t have to look at CS Lewis’s face any more. Here’s Whiskers, the Irreligiosophy podcat. Thanks for the name, Moewicus!

24 Responses to “This thread is especially for Herb”

  1. A major improvement.

  2. Can’t decide between “fuck yeah!” and “fuck you!”.

  3. Moewicus says:


  4. Tarbourite says:

    What kind of just God would create such a being?

  5. somewhere in greece says:

    There’s a cat that needs a hug if I ever saw one

  6. Is the cat looking into my soul or is this a representation of what my soul looks like in cat form?

  7. Herb (Apostle 2.0) says:

    First – Thank you.

    Second.- What took so long? I would have thought you two would have found a new mascot for the show much sooner. It’s been, what…well over a year since Leighton abandoned that position?

    Third – I’m looking forward to regular updates from you hosts on the exploits of Whiskers the podcat. Can someone say “recurring segment”?

    Peace out, bitches!

  8. Passive-aggressive posts and pictures of cats. This has turned into the facebook page of all of my relatives.

  9. Not Jesus says:

    Penis penis penis penis Penis penis penis penis Penis penis penis penis Penis penis penis penis part 2


    screw my fans!

  10. Jaytheist says:

    My precious!

  11. Discord.agent says:

    That looks like what Kirk Hastings’ spirit animal would look like if such things existed.

  12. Moewicus says:

    This thread has crashed and burned. I’m subscribing to it, but I probably won’t read it again. RIP Irreligiosophy podcat thread.

  13. Brownsherrifsstar says:

    If I was a cat. I would f…k it. My standards are so low they equal Hovinds intellect. When’s the next podcast matt. I need my fix.

  14. After a month instead of giving fans a podcast or an explanation, they get a photo of a cat.
    I told everyone that this podcast was done, and after the last episode, and this little facade I don’t think anyone can argue. Too bad, you were the best podcast on the internet……
    google doesn’t even try and help locate you anymore. It was great while it lasted.

  15. But you have to admit, that is an awesome cat photo.

    I’ve just been waiting to make sure you’re done. If you promise you’re really finished this time and not just teasing like last time, I’ll have the new episode out today.

  16. Not Jesus says:

    Is it about the cat?

  17. I cannot divulge any information about the forthcoming podcast until Tyler promises he won’t download it.

  18. I promise that I will not download the new podcast

  19. Finally!

    The next podcast is an hour and a half of Whiskers the podcat meowing for food. I’ve got about twenty minutes left to edit.

  20. Looks like Chuck has been on the lash.

  21. Moewicus says:

    Holy fuck this podcast is going to be great. Will there be roughly 30 seconds about C.S. Lewis? Maybe a note about the font used in The Screwtape Letters?

    I promise not to post in this thread again, it has crashed and burned and been RUINED by Chuck and Matt.



    Now it is ruined (I know I recycled this picture from my excellent research paper on the old forums but it goes here).

  23. Oh for fucks sake Tort! What has been seen, cannot be unseen. 😉

    Inserts an obligatry ‘fuck you’ message to Tyler.