[irrelig]In this podcast, which was delayed due to all the beeping required to make it kid-friendly, we go over all the evidence that relates to a worldwide flood 4400 years ago. We describe various creationist interpretations of that evidence, and then we describe reality.

A couple of caveats to this podcast: first, even though the subject matter is (mostly) clean and suitable for children, refuting creationist claims requires talking about real science, and that can sometimes get complex. So the podcast, as it turned out, will probably not be suitable for children because depending on their age, they might not understand what we’re talking about — just like church. We have a solution for that in the form of an upcoming podcast, which, unlike church, will be easily understandable and enjoyable to listen to: it’s going to be about “crazy Bible stories.” I have a hunch adults will like it too.

Second, when Leighton and I are discussing the creationist “evidence” for the flood in terms of large boulders carried off far from their point of origin, we got off track making fun of the creationists. Our point was that just because no obvious solution immediately presents itself doesn’t mean there isn’t one. We focus on humans moving boulders around in the past (which for whatever reasons they did do) but forgot to mention the most obvious solution: glaciers. Glaciers could certainly have moved massive boulders for miles and then receded, leaving the boulders in place without much in the way of clues as to how they got there. This is speculation on my part, but I imagine it would be easy to determine whether the boulders were deposited by flood or glacier by taking a peek at the environment on which the boulders rest.

Next week: Bob Price!

38 Responses to “37: Why the Flood Didn’t Happen”

  1. The bit about God being pissed at himself for creating goats reminded me of this:
    It’s sort of not safe for work, depending on your boss/coworkers.

  2. If you’d like a simpler, more kid-friendly discussion of why the flood didn’t happen, check out slacktivist’s The Long March of the Koalas.

  3. The Ark story is one of the more compelling stories in the Old Testament, especially when you also include the Jewish Apocrypha with it and look at the whole event with a different framing.

    Most Christians, for example, believe the story is about the fall of man. I personally see it as the fall of god, and a take on the Prometheus/Pandora myths.

    Btw, I am a Canadian. Canuck was used, iirc, by Americans and possibly the Brits during wwII as a derogatory term for Canadians, but Canadians don’t see the term as a pejorative, much like ‘yank’ is a pejorative outside the US, especially when applied to a Canadians ie: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23744086-5ft-3in-karate-woman-floors-soldiers-in-brawl.do;jsessionid=26E6D4867687FE25A0973F13C184C409

    ((they called her a yank and she corrected them before beating the crap out of them )) but is embraced by Americans inside America (not sure about the south though =/).

    We have an NHL team called the Vancouver Canucks btw. That said, why are Americans calling blacks, “Canadians” ?

  4. Very interesting. First time I ever ran across the term “Canucks” was when I went up to stay with my buddy in Washington state for a while, and of course we headed up into Canada for about a month. Anyway, he started cursing out canucks and I kept looking around for some sort of animal and in the end he had to explain to me that the people in Washington state have a bit of a rivalry with Canada and that the term “canucks” was derogatory and would piss off the Canadians if they heard someone using it. Personally, I find the whole name calling thing funny. You can call me anything and I’ll turn around and answer to it.

    All I’ve got to say is way to go canucks. I love to hear about someone taking something that is supposed to be derogatory and flipping it around on those using it.

  5. Hei Charley, did you check the wack bible stories? What did you think about?

  6. Most Canadians kind of enjoy when Americans poke fun at them. For example, Simpsons and South Park. Canadian generally laugh their ass off, mostly because the jokes are true. We’re a somewhat bland, boring people.

  7. ||That said, why are Americans calling blacks, “Canadians” ?||

    I’ve heard this too. I’ve suggested a couple times to my connection at P&T’s bullshit that they do an ep on “Canada is bullshit” and I gather they’d love to but they’re afraid people might take it as more code for the Canadian/black connection thing.

    It makes no sense to me other than “it’s okay to make fun of Canadians so we’ll just call blacks Canadians”.

  8. You know, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of blacks being called Canadians. I’ve been scratching my head over that one ever since reading it. Odd is about all I can come up with.

  9. Here’s the problem I have with the notion that the 3 million species we have today came from a few hundred “kinds” on the arc.

    1) Creationists have no problem that natural selection etc can cause a few hundred kinds to become 3 million species in 4,000 years however they are incredulous that 3 billion years of natural selection can do anything. Uh huh.

    2) If your hypothesis is there was some hyper mutation, why not get into a lab and show evidence of it? Flood story apologetics is a great game of coming up with just-so stories. “Well, all their dietary needs changed after… animals were all plant eaters at that point.” But they are very happy to walk away from the table after coming up with their just-so story. You’d think they’d be out digging in Alberta and the arctic finding fossil evidence of all of this. Like a migration pattern of marsupials from the middle east to Australia….

  10. @cavaco: I listened to the first episode, and it’s awesome. It’s got a few stories in there I haven’t heard and don’t remember from high school seminary. I’m looking forward to the next one. Thanks for the link!

  11. WalkswithJesus69 says:

    This is a stupid podcast. A miraculous event like the flood and you question practical considerations? How stupid are you guys anyway? Obviously God put all of the beasts and Noah and his family into a biological stasis, but in a conscious state.
    Wake up and smell the gospel, if you just use your brains a little, you could figure this stuff out.

  12. I’d find this post easier to believe if the name wasn’t “Jesus69”. Don’t know why anyone would want to 69 with Jesus, but to each their own. Tell you what, it’s a lot easier to wake up and smell the gospel with a friendly 69 to rouse my dreary eyes. Come on over and let’s get started.

  13. WalkswithJesus69 says:

    I am not sure what you are getting at, when i signed up for my user name at Godtalk.com, this was the recommended available name. Something wrong with numbers in the username because I didn’t get first choice? Typical atheist response, can’t beat them with the truth so go for the ad hominem attack.

  14. My interpretation of the flood story is that it was God’s attempt to explain the Snowball Earth period.

  15. Har har har. Not buying it Jesus69. You’re basically expecting me to believe that not only would you accept a username describing the sexual 69 position with Jesus but that you’re also retarded enough to bypass the mountains of proof against the worldwide flood so you can zero in on the dumbest excuse for how everyone survived for a year on the ark, the most miniscule pieces of ludicrous where the entire story is concerned. No one is that stupid and this is why I wholeheartedly doubt the authenticity of your posts.

    Come on now. We’re looking for real hate mail and real arguments around here and you’re going to have to do a much better job of fooling us if you want to be the first to send us hate mail. At this point the only way I could possibly believe you are as ignorant as you’re attempting to make everyone believe you are is if you came over to my place and begged me to teach you what the 69 position entailed. Either choose a different username and come back with a better attempt to fool us or ask for my address and let the lessons begin.

  16. Corey: I could have answered your post in the last, but I found it difficult to lump you in the the feeble attempts of Jesus69(Really, mate. Get a new name and try harder to be believable.).

    Far as I knew the concept of a Snowball Earth period was still a controversial and not too well accepted topic. I know Budyko was able to demonstrate that such a climate was possible, although he abandoned it because he couldn’t figure out how to escape such a situation, and then Kirschvink brought forth the theory that volcanic flatulence could add the necessary component to escape the model. Other than that though I think it’s still a highly debated topic as to whether or not it actually occurred. Not only this, but I think it was supposed to have happened 600 million years ago which kind of blows up the young Earth idea, for those who actually understand potassium-argon, tree-ring, and ice core dating. However, if we were to think of this as the Noah story then we would have to disbelieve the bible because according to Genesis 7:18 it states that the ark floated on the waters. If there was a freeze wouldn’t it have said they were frozen into place?

    The entire scenario doesn’t make sense because if Noah sent out a crow and then went sailing by an iceberg don’t you think he would have noticed it and written that sight down? We’re talking about a desert people after all. Even snow would have been something beyond their comprehension. I can guarantee you if this Frozen Earth was what happened there wouldn’t be all this talk of waters, floating around, finding land, etc. There would instead be verses talking about the blinding glare off the white “ash” falling from heaven.

    Perhaps this theory, and watching “Encino Man”, is how Jesus69 came up with his ideas on how God kept everyone in a constant stasis.

  17. I am not a young-earth creationist. I think, at some point, God tried to explain certain aspects of His creation to Man.

    Maybe The Flood was some aspect of Snowball Earth. Maybe it was some aspect of the asteroid in Yucatan. Maybe it doesn’t even cover any extinction event…

    The real question, at least from my point of view, is, “Why does God no longer speak with us?”

  18. WalkswithJesus68 says:

    Ah, so, deflecting my criticisms whilst still condemning the criticizer? What is the problem of God keeping his desired survivors in stasis? He provided manna for the Israelites whilst they wandered in the desert, did he not? God is all powerful and his ways are mysterious, they lie far beneath the realms of observation of such mere mortals as yourselves, who, btw, continue to dwell in danger of hell fire. I have a counter proposal for you, and this includes your erstwhile companion, but not in some sick, sexual tryst that you keep proffering, as if I were the whore of babylon come to pleasure you for the entertainment of the unenlightened. Open your hearts up to the almighty God so that he may fill it with love and understanding or suffer the consequences of the damned.

  19. Corey: Interesting take on things. I don’t want to discourage you by poking holes in things because you seem to be earnestly questioning things, but there were two questions that popped into my head while reading your post:

    If God was trying to explain certain things to his people, such as a worldwide cataclysmic event, why would he attempt to explain it to this ancient people? I ask this because there was no cataclysmic event within any timeframe that these ancient people would remember. The Snowball Earth theory dates to 600 million years ago and the Yucatan asteroid to 65 million years ago. Both of these range so far back into the history of mankind that it would not be remembered or even discovered until scientific methods developed so why would God feel the need to explain it to this ancient people?

    If God meant for it to be an explanation for us in these modern times then why would he mask his attempts at describing it to us in a story that is so farfetched it would cause disbelief? There are passages in the bible wherein it actually states that God chooses to harden people’s hearts, make them disbelieve, etc. (Making God a dick for punishing them for their disbelief when they die.), could this be along the lines of what you’re thinking?

    As I said, I don’t want to dissuade your theories I’m merely attempting to help you solidify them in your mind with the questions that popped up in mine. That’s a very good question you have there concerning God and his lack of instruction. In the ANN we did this last week there was a man who in early times would have been considered a prophet for God, but I think nowadays we have a tendency to question the supernatural more than when lightning was considered God’s way of sneezing.

    Another question you should be asking is why did God feel the need to plagiarize from other ancient civilizations where his holy book is concerned? For research on that question I would point you towards the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian Job, the Assyrian Job, Pharaoh Sneferu parting the waters of the Nile, etc. All of these predate the bible by hundreds and thousands of years and if the bible is God’s infallible words to mankind why would he feel the need, or even allow his people, to copy from other civilizations?

    You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, mate. Let me know what you think of all of this and feel free to contact me at any time. It’s nice to have someone like you around.

  20. WalkswithJesus is persistent, at least. This is a great example of Poe’s Law: it is sometimes impossible to tell a real crazy fundie from someone trying to parody him, because there’s no amount of craziness to which the real fundie will not sink.

    I’m betting WwJ is a parody, but I wouldn’t be overly surprised to find out that there actually is someone who believes God put his creations into a “biological stasis” for the sake of telling a good story, instead of merely snapping his celestial fingers and having done with it. I’ve heard dumber things, I suppose.

  21. Jesus68? Har har. Does this mean you chose to follow my first suggestion towards believability and that you won’t be coming over to my place for 69 lessons? Sorry, but I’m still not accepting you as a valid hate mail poster. You’ve changed your name, but you haven’t shifted your tack in any way. We expect intelligence and witty sarcasm from our listeners and I’m this close to excommunicating you from our membership rolls.

    As a listener you should know as well as everybody else that before I could even begin to contemplate a “biological stasis” you would have to prove to me this story wasn’t swiped from the Babylonian’s Epic of Gilgamesh. Considering you’re against being a whore of Babylon you should be familiar with this history. Now, once you’ve conclusively proven to me that this story, and half the other stories in the bible, weren’t swiped by these earlier wanderers I can begin to consider how God, who at this point is an imaginary friend at best, could fit every living animal, every plant, parasite, insect, etc. into a wooden boat. Hell, you bring up the wanderings of the Exodus(Exodus 16 to be exact.) and their manna from heaven and even Israeli archeologists are throwing their hands up in the air and openly stating that these wanderings never occurred.

    This is a really sad attempt at becoming Irreligiosophy’s first hate monger and of course I’m going to “condemn the criticizer” for such a feeble attempt. God is mysterious my ass. God is the convoluted conjuration of man’s mind whose character changes, sometimes dramatically, with the shift in mankind’s thinking throughout time, as evidenced in the bible itself. He’s an imaginary being who sits above the world with a magnifying glass because he hasn’t the self-image nor the self-confidence to allow his creations to choose a path other than the one he has marked in the sand. He begs that we all pray to him, praise him, etc. to build up his self-esteem when someone of such benevolence, omniscience, power, etc. shouldn’t need such “human” aids. He got angry and caused the flood, but wouldn’t someone who knows all the past, present, and future know his creations were going to choose what they did? Seems kind of silly to create man then sit there stewing about something like this until the proper time when you’re allowed to explode, but even if we were to think of God in this way he’s still a dick.

    Sorry, just can’t take you seriously. I refuse to dub you the first dissenter of Irreligiosophy due to your absolute lack of plausible wit. You changed your name, which by the way has had me laughing throughout the entire writing of this response, but whoopdedo. Your argument still needs to find a leg to stand on and is utterly lacking in the quality of listener responses we have received thus far. Pathetic attempt to gain the title of our first hate mailer.

    A thought occurs to me though, if you want to prove your authenticity then come onto our show. You state you’re in fear of our eternal souls, what better way to bring us and our listeners back into the light than to come onto our show and publicly show us the error of our ways? We never change anything within our recorded guest podcasts unless our guests ask us to, this is something that can be proven if you contact any of our guests and ask them. So there is no fear of your converting us and then our allowing the devil to climb into our hearts and force us to change the conversation. Beyond your coming to my doorstep this is the only possible way I can see your convincing me that you are authentic.

    Put up or shut up. Your excommunication from our rolls awaits you for your utter lack of believability.

  22. Oh no, watch out Leighton, the devil is in your heart. Remember the devils greeatest trick was convincing man that blblbbbhasfglsadgbfljs;ggj’nA’Eg

    That feels better.

  23. The snowball earth hypothesis is actually a pretty good example of how science argues back and forth. There are a couple anomalies a certain model doesn’t explain. For example, why does it appear there are sedimentary deposits in the tropics, of the kind usually left by glaciers.

    Hypothesis: maybe glaciers once covered the entire planet.

    Ah but then if that were true, how does a world frozen up like an ice ball ever warm up?

    Biologists note the model doesn’t work because it would have killed off all life but there’s clearly life from the time the world should have been covered in ice.

    There’s this great back and forth of “well, here’s what kills your hypothesis” and proponents having to modify their hypothesis that allows for life to survive/the world to warm up.

    Anyway, it’s a great “living” example of how science doesn’t shy away from seemingly incredible claims and debates a controversial topic in the literature. How proponents do the hard work and don’t run to the courts to demand their hypothesis be taught in schools or scream there’s a closed minded cabal working against them (*aquatic ape believers cough*).

    (And Jesus69 is a pretty bad troll. He’s going to have to work a bit harder.)

  24. Regarding Jesus69’s point, which I think boils down to:

    “Why spend so much time explaining why a miracle is impossible when it was a miracle?”

    A miracle by definition is impossible. So to Jesus69 one appears to be running around in circles.

    The answer to that is, of course, if you look at sites like AiG, they don’t simply say “well, a miracle happened here and it was miracles all the way down.” They themselves argue:

    1) the flood could have largely happened by natural mechanisms

    2) there is undeniable physical evidence of a global flood

    AiG et al take it out of the realm of faith in miracles and are claiming it is a scientifically testable hypothesis.

    And that’s the claim that can be addressed. Which the hosts addressed.

    Jesus69, that’s two fails.

  25. Sorry, guys, been away playing Army for a few days…

    Your question hinges strongly on my question: “Why does God no longer speak with us?”

    The short answer is that we have “killed” God. Or at least He has given up on us.

    I honestly feel that God, as we know him, works within the bounds of science. I think that the Universe was created 14B years ago. I think that the Solar system started in a cloud of gas, and accretion disk, and evolved into the system we have today.

    I think God works to influence our lives and influence the population as a whole towards something greater.

    In our ignorance, God needed to explain how we came to be. He didn’t care if we were pagans, atheists, or moneychangers. But He did care for how we lived and if we were moving towards something greater.

    He encouraged the practices he liked. He discouraged those He didn’t.

    I know I’m kinda rambling on here. But I really don’t think the LDS faith contradicts my own personal beliefs. LDS is, as you have stated, a nice upgrade to Christianity. Although I think that it isn’t really a Christian faith.

    I like listening to you guys. But I really wonder what has bothered you so much that you feel the need to destroy rather than create. However, being from Utah, I guess I can understand.

    Finally, stop waiting on the Temple episode. The information is readily available online. Big Love Season 3 Episode 9 is readily available as well. If you care to talk about it, shoot me an email.

    PRO TIP: 90% of LDS theology is right there in the intro to BL. Gives me chills every time I watch it…

  26. Damn. I’ve been waiting for a couple days to see if Jesus69 would respond, but I guess it just further reinforces my assertion he was a fraud. Come on now, if one of you is going to attempt to be our first hatemailer please rise to the caliber we expect our listeners to be at.

  27. Corey: It’s very interesting to read your post because you stand where I stood before I teetered over the edge of atheism. I considered all of those very things you did, but in the end as I learned more and more of human history and science it became more plausible to me that God was an evolving figment of man’s imagination. I think it is difficult for people to grasp the concept that we are alone, our time here is short, and darkness is all that awaits us. That right there is what I think causes a bit of a twitter in people’s thoughts and forces them to shy from the very idea of actually “being” without a higher purpose guiding/waiting for us.

    Anyway, you ask another interesting question concerning why we do what we do. The reason Charley and I do this show is because all around us, not just in Utah, so many are raised to close their eyes and follow whatever is placed in front of them without thought. Those who choose to open their eyes and look around are the minority that are pushed back towards the fold. When I began to openly question my father and the belief system I was raised in he screamed at me that he had dealt with apostasy in his family in the past and that he knew a hell of a lot more than I did. That was the last time I ever brought up religion with my father. I personally don’t think someone can grow to their full potential either as a person or intellectually if they do not open their eyes and contemplate the entire picture. When your mind is fenced in by religion or anything else it is difficult to stretch the bounds of what man is capable of.

    This show is not only to entertain, but to bring forward bits of history and truth for those who listen to think on. We mock religion because there are so many bronze age ideals/beliefs that have gone for uncounted years without being questioned and once you have laughed at something you cannot look on it the same again. You may look on this as destroying, as I’m sure many others do, but I see this as planting a seed of intellectual scrutiny.

    I’m very proud to point out our listener James who is currently taking a study course on the bible. He has taken the bits of knowledge we offer between the laughter and opened the eyes of his teacher/pastor and probably a few of the other students with truth. That is my ultimate goal; truth. No more of this Ray Comfort/Kirk Cameron bullshit about lying to someone if you must as long as it saves their soul. Tell the truth on everything, put it all out on the table, and let our generation and future generations decide for themselves where the line lies between fiction and reality.

  28. I know what you mean about religion and truth. There are a lot of *dumb* parts in the Bible. But people would rather remain ignorant than admit that maybe what they think is wrong.

    Prime example: The Temple ceremony. Most of what we do was based on the Masons. Joseph Smith believed that the Masons had a link back to the builders of Solomon’s Temple. In reality, the Masons started in the 16th or 17th century…

    As for assholes like Cameron, I think you are fighting a losing battle there. And the harder you push, the harder they dig in. Eventually, they will probably end up like Westboro Baptists…

  29. WalkswithJesus68 says:

    Pardon my absence, but others far more important than yourselves, required my attention. There is no no question that the other texts you speak of, the enema elish and the epic of giglamesh, came from the same source as the bible. You can see their inter relatedness in the similarities of their stories. But you forget one important thing, much like other scientists do, you ignore the truth of God and let your bias guide you in accepting chronological order of texts but not source. God passed his prophecy on to whomever he deemed fit, and in many ways it was handed down through genereations until we get the pure distilled truth, the Holy Bible.
    To Karl – Miracles are not by definition impossible, they are just unable to be explained and understood by mortal man. But, that is not to say that we cannot partially understoand the workings of miralces in a scientifically proven way that partially explains them. However, you fail to realize that the full explanation is out there in the open, just waiting for you to open your ignorant and sinful eyes and accept the REAL truth of existence. Gods trught is brought to us through the revelation in the BIble and this is unassailable.
    Don’t forget, the material manifestationso fht e flood were supernaturally caused, but naturally carried out. The subsistence of the animals and people were the providence of God. Why even do this then instead of snapping the God finger? To provide moral and intellectual guidance for the folowing generations so that we should not forget our lessons. Every time I see a rainbow, I get down on my knees and praise the LotRd.
    Leighton – now that I have proven to you how the stories you love to fondle, are not predating the Bible, but actually supplement it, you can now try to prove my Biological stasis wrong. Good luck, i seriously doubt you have the intellectual capacity fro such an accomplishment. You deflect when you lack the ability to counter, you threaten and insult when you are faced with the Truth of God. The devil is working in you, cast it out and be free. I love forward to your response. Good website.
    Charley – oho! you have heard dumber things? Like the things you say!

  30. Hey Walkswithjesus68! You have been nominated for the biggest douche in the world award! This is very exciting! If you win you get to go away and shut up–wow! Also, if you win you get to compete in the biggest douche in the universe. Competition is difficult, but you stand an excellent chance of winning (what with not saying anything of substance then calling others stupid–very douche). Good Luck!!

  31. WalkswithJesus68 says:

    oh gee, someone watches south park. Get an original idea!

  32. Here. Since you insist on yourself so heavily I will break down your post point by retarded drooling ignorant point.

    Pardon my absence, but others far more important than yourselves, required my attention.

    First off, since I am studying to become an English teacher I have to say that the second comma is unnecessary. Secondly, know that feigning derision towards those who dismiss you is an unseemly behavior because all it will do is inspire further dismissal.

    There is no no question that the other texts you speak of, the enema elish and the epic of giglamesh, came from the same source as the bible.

    hahahahahhahah Came from the same source? The Enuma Elish and the Epic of Gilgamesh are two of the many sources used when Josephus re-wrote the bible after the destruction of the Temple and the scrolls in the Roman Jewish War.

    You can see their inter relatedness in the similarities of their stories. But you forget one important thing, much like other scientists do, you ignore the truth of God and let your bias guide you in accepting chronological order of texts but not source.

    Ok, now you sound like you are narrating your own acid trip. We accept chronological order of texts because there is evidence of that. We dismiss god because there is (sssshhhhh.. wait for it) NO evidence of that. Believing in God is to be biased towards the fanciful and imaginary. I would rather be biased towards evidentiary findings.

    God passed his prophecy on to whomever he deemed fit, and in many ways it was handed down through genereations until we get the pure distilled truth, the Holy Bible.

    Again, appeal to a belief none of us here have. Therefore you would do just as well to explain how Oprah’s Book Club is the monthly dispensation of God’s wisdom to Oprah because while the Oprah things seems more culturally inane, the Bible is equally inane here.

    To Karl – Miracles are not by definition impossible, they are just unable to be explained and understood by mortal man.

    Okay, I guess.

    But, that is not to say that we cannot partially understoand the workings of miralces in a scientifically proven way that partially explains them.

    If you scientifically explain them, they are not miracles. They are scientific phenomena explainable by observation of the world around us. Also, learn to spell, this is very disheartening for my future career choice.

    However, you fail to realize that the full explanation is out there in the open, just waiting for you to open your ignorant and sinful eyes and accept the REAL truth of existence. Gods trught is brought to us through the revelation in the BIble and this is unassailable.

    Unassailable? Then why the hell are you here throwing a fit? Because we are assailing your vaunted, imaginary wisdom of God. No matter how much you insist on yourself I will require some evidence to take your viewpoint seriously, not just further un-backed-up insistence.

    Don’t forget, the material manifestations of the flood were supernaturally caused, but naturally carried out. The subsistence of the animals and people were the providence of God.

    You are just like Orson Scott Card in that respect. You require a Desu Ex Machina to finish the story because it was ridiculous and unbelievable in the first place.

    Why even do this then instead of snapping the God finger? To provide moral and intellectual guidance for the folowing generations so that we should not forget our lessons. Every time I see a rainbow, I get down on my knees and praise the LotRd.

    Ok, this and the whole thing of choosing 69 for your name tells me that you are not even serious.

    Leighton – now that I have proven to you how the stories you love to fondle, are not predating the Bible, but actually supplement it, you can now try to prove my Biological stasis wrong.

    Congratulations on picking some fancy words to sound smart, next time make sure they can follow each other in a grammatical sense that actually has meaning. Prove your biological stasis wrong? What the fuck does that even mean?

    Good luck, i seriously doubt you have the intellectual capacity fro such an accomplishment. You deflect when you lack the ability to counter, you threaten and insult when you are faced with the Truth of God. The devil is working in you, cast it out and be free. I love forward to your response. Good website.

    What? Now you really are narrating an acid trip aren’t you?

    Charley – oho! you have heard dumber things? Like the things you say!

    I’m rubber and you’re glue and everything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

    Grow up and read some books. Asserting that God is the truth does not make it so. The quote at the top of the page is fitting. Faith consists of believing when it beyond reason to believe.

    Think for yourself. And calm down on the commas or I’m sending the library police over there.

  33. Walkswithjesus68,
    According to your logic- the fact that South Park referenced the “Biggest Douche in the Universe Contest” means that there must be such a contest. So, thanks for proving me right, and I agree with James.

  34. ||To Karl – Miracles are not by definition impossible, they are just unable to be explained and understood by mortal man.||

    James, you’re really splitting hairs. So you’re saying it is impossible for mortal man to fully explain a miracle? Ummmm.

    I’m saying a miracle is by definition something that is impossible to explain by a natural explanation or any possible natural explanation.

    ||Also, learn to spell, this is very disheartening for my future career choice.||

    ||Gods *trught* is brought to us through the revelation in the *BIble* and this is unassailable.||

    ||God passed his prophecy on to whomever he deemed fit, and in many ways it was handed down through *genereations*||

    ||…while the Oprah *things seems*||

    ||But, that is not to say that we cannot partially *understoand* the workings of *miralces* in a scientifically proven way that partially explains them.||

    || Every time I see a rainbow, I get down on my knees and praise the *LotRd*.||

    Bahahahahaha. You’re studying to be an English teacher, you say? We should learn to spell and improve our grammar, you say?

  35. Oh, sorry James. I didn’t see you were quoting Jesus69’s crap writing. (I read comments from the bottom up.)

  36. No prob, Karl. I was a bit confused by your post at first but then saw the subsequent one.

    This guy is really dumb and I was fed up with it and took the time this morning to chew him out.

  37. Absolutely entertaining. I was about to respond, but you all jumped in and I couldn’t take away the joy from everyone. Where you hiding your biblical ass now, Jesus69?

    I still stand by Jesus69 being a fraud. If he’s such a god-fearing man why is he intimately familiar with South Park? Why is he dreaming about me “fondling” things? My challenge still stands, come over to my house and get on your knees or come onto the show to prove your authenticity. Until then, we have had council and you are excommunicated from the roles of Irreligiosophy due to your pathetic attempts at being our first hate monger.

  38. We need to see if we can get some Westboro Baptists in here. They could hate on this podcast better than a terrorist.