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31: Hobby Lobby Dissent

31: Hobby Lobby Dissent

In this episode, Ginsburg strikes back! Walk with us through her blistering dissent of Alito et al’s idiotic pro-corporate anti-woman Hobby Lobby decision and see exactly why this judicial activism is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Skunk dicks and vaginas too.

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30: Hobby Lobby

30: Hobby Lobby

We discuss the recent Supreme Court decision where, as it turns out, corporations are people who can exercise their religious liberties to discriminate against women too! That, and plenty of skunk dicks.

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29: Nathan Phelps

29: Nathan Phelps

For this episode we connect back with Nathan Phelps, a leading light in the atheist-skeptical movement and estranged son of Fred Phelps. Since our last interview, a lot has happened both in Nate’s life and in the Westboro Baptist Church, into which Nate still possesses keen insight. Keep an eye on Nate’s site for more information about his upcoming documentary “Not My Father’s Son,” and kick in some cash if you can. It’s for a great cause.

All that and skunk dicks too.

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2.28: 5 Evidences for Evolution

2.28: 5 Evidences for Evolution

Once more unto the breach, dear friends. In this episode we jump into the creation-evolution “controversy” and offer up 5 evidences for believing the secular religion of evolution. Why there’s ERVs, fusion of chromosomes, shared pseudogenes, duck dicks, and ancient transitional fossils! Who wouldn’t believe!

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27: My Book of Mormon Podcast

27: My Book of Mormon Podcast

This episode we chat with David Michael, an atheist never-Mormon who decided to voluntarily read the Book of Mormon, on purpose, and make a podcast about it. The counseling center that is dedicated to helping people transition to non-religion can be found here. Help them out if you can!

Also a few Skunkdicks and Matt gets a word in edgewise.

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26: Yahweh’s 5 Biggest Dick Moves

26: Yahweh’s 5 Biggest Dick Moves

So for this go round we decided to talk about God’s morality. Since we’ve got a nice big fat book documenting his holy actions, let’s crack it open and see just what the omnibenevolent Ruler of the Universe has been up to. What’s this? Genocide? Sex slavery? Child murder?

Yeah, that sounds about right. Also iTunes reviews and some more skunk dicks.

And a special bonus: this episode’s notes!

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For episode 25 we tackle Mormon claims of Native American ancestry. Now that we’ve unraveled the secrets of DNA, can we put these Mormon claims to the test? What does DNA have to say about the history of the Americas, its first inhabitants, and where they came from? Could it be that Mormons are correct when they claim Native Americans descended from a group of Hebrews who left Jerusalem around 600 BC?

Short answer: no. For the longer answer, listen up fuckers.

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24a: Mini episode

24a: Mini episode

So I’m taking the month off to celebrate freedom from financial bondage, but since we already recorded skunk dicks, I’ll release it to the hounds and pretend I’m doing you all a favor.

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April off

April off

It took me 2 years and 5 months to pay off the last of the debt from the failed haunt business, but I finally did it. To celebrate, I’m going to take the month of April off from the podcast to rest and relax. We’ll be back in May with Mormons and DNA, Presuppositional Apologetics, the Mountain Meadows Massacre (for those of you who missed it on Church of Awesome), or maybe some of your suggestions.

In the meantime, leech some more of our bandwidth, you parasites.

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24: The Gospel of John

24: The Gospel of John

Here we go again, but now we’ve reached the “maverick gospel,” the Gospel of John. Unlike in the synoptics where Jesus likes to keep his Messiahship a secret, in John the guy cannot shut up about himself. He’ll blab about how he’s the Son of God to anyone who’ll listen. Add in a few “signs,” some anti-Semitism, and what may be the biggest dick move in entire New Testament, and you’ve got the fixins for a real good time.

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